Chapter 15 (The End)

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(Also, would this be an epilogue of some sort? Cause the last chapter was kind of 'the end' but it kind of wasn't... Eh, I'll make it just the end)

---------------------- (Nope, not a timeskip! Exactly four years after the last chapter's end!)----------------------

"Levi! You have to be quicker than that! We're going to be late!" I shouted to my bedroom all the way over from my living room. Levi was taking way too long and we were already going late. Late for what, would you ask? Well, since it's been already four years since we ran away from that city and got rescued, we decided to go somewhere as a big, big, group of friends and just spend some time together somewhere other than just work, just as we did every year since they time we were rescued. And, of course, we decided to go to a cafe, which was the first thing that came into our minds. Levi, on the other hand, wasn't very enthusiastic about the idea, mainly because he didn't like those crowded places such as cafes. Not that he didn't like spending time with his friends.

"I'm coming, brat, just one second." He calmly answered from the bedroom. I grunted in annoyance and sat down on the way too puffy couch of ours. We were sharing an apartment, one of the reasons being that it was easier when you have to pay only half on the rent, same goes for the other person, and living with Levi has it's bonuses, like, the apartment was always clean and organized. After some time he walked out, wearing a white T-shirt with a leather jacket and simple jeans. I really couldn't figure out what took him so long, since my outfit was more complicated yet it took almost half the time he took to get ready. I shrugged it off as just Levi being Levi. He probably found a peck of dust on his jacket while putting it on, and couldn't just put it on like that. "Here, happy now?"

"More than happy. Now,let's go!" I said excitedly, imagining how nice today should go, grabbing Levi by his arm and forcefully pulling him out of the apartment. Levi caught up with me, as I got the feeling of deja vu creeping into me. It was the first time we met, when I pulled him by the arm and dragged him along with me. I smiled at the memory, and thought of what could have happened if only Levi didn't agree to being a team. Would he have survived? Escaped? It didn't matter now, since he was here, with me. Saved.

We walked out of the apartment, Levi being the one to close and lock the door, and we continued our journey to the elevator. We lived on the 6th floor so using the stairs would have been a really bad idea. I pressed the button and it lit up, meaning the elevator was coming. I, without even trying to keep my excitement inside, was smiling really widely, trying my best to not jump up and down while waiting for the elevator to arrive. Levi was watching me all this time, as I was oblivious to his stares, and quietly clicked his tongue at me, but he was mentally smirking at my silliness, thinking how odd it is that I can switch from bossy leader mood to a childish normal girl one.

The elevator's doors finally opened and I stepped in the petite room first, dragging Levi with me right behind. Pressing the 'G' button to go to the ground floor the doors closed and we waited. I heard a quiet 'ding' sound from the pocket of my jacket, meaning I got a text. I quickly took my phone out, and checked my text. It was Eren, saying 'Where are you two? I'm waiting near the parking lot, hurry your ass up!', and I smiled, though it was a nervous smile, knowing that EREN was there to pick us up, so he'd be the one driving. And, let me tell you this, you would NOT want to be in the same car as him when he drives, that would be the same as a death wish.

"Who is it?" Asked Levi from behind me, as it almost made me jump, and I looked at him reassuringly, knowing he wouldn't be happy having a ride with Eren. I quickly texted a reply with a 'Just a sec, we'll be there any second now' and put my phone back inside my pocket.

"It was Eren. He would be riding the car to the cafe." I said, hiding my nervousness, as Levi glared at me, but didn't say anything back. I figured he was planning something, and I would have to say my thanks if he would convince to ride the car himself, instead of Eren. It'd be much more calm and safe with Levi, for sure.

(Levi x Reader) Stay close, alright? _Zombie Apocalypse AU_Where stories live. Discover now