It Started With A Joke

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Andrei, Charles, Drexel, and Liza were friends ever since in high school. They are close to each other, almost every secret if their life is known to them. They are college students, and Andrei is a playboy and likes to make fun of girls. Charles is a music lover and likes to make fun of people. Drexel is a serious guy who always focuses on his life, and Liza is an easy go lucky girl, but you can rely on her when you have problems.

Andrei is a very naughty boy, he always makes the girls fall in love to him and he will break up with them. Liza knows every detail of Andrei’s secret, she is Andrei’s trusted friend, she always tries to tell him that he should stop playing with their emotions, because maybe someday he’ll regret what he’d done, but Andrei ignores Liza’s advice. Charles is a very good friend of Andrei too, he’s always at his side, and she supports him. Andrei’s current victim is Katrina, Andrei’s new girlfriend. They are textmates before they become lovers. Charles is very excited every time Andrei makes fun of Katrina’s feelings. Katrina has never seen Andrei in her life, she just hears his voice on his phone calls and she only knew that Andrei’s a fine looking young man and rich. Andrei is not really serious with Katrina, it’s just his hobby to make the girls fall in love with him and then gone.

Charles knows Andrei very much, but when he saw that Andrei is really in love with Katrina and is starting to be the own victim of his joke, he just then realize that Andrei should tell the truth to Katrina. But there’s an incident that would change their life and their philosophies.

Andrei and Liza had a little misunderstanding, Liza started to be a little sarcastic and Andrei starts to worry that she would spill out his secrets. Charles told him “If Liza is really your friend, she wouldn’t tell your secret to Katrina.” “What if she does? She knows that Katrina is the only person in this world that would keep me going, through this life that’s full of problems.” Andrei replied to him worriedly. Then Charles said, “That’s my point! If she knows that Katrina is very important to you and she’s really your friend, she wouldn’t do anything that would hurt you.” Liza and Andre’s little fight grew bigger. Drexel tries to know what’s the reason of their misunderstanding, he tried to reconcile the two, but Liza is very hard to please. Charles said to Andrei, “Did you try to please her?” “No!” said Andrei, “Andrei, you should please her, she’s your bestfriend. Don’t be like me!” Charkes said. “What do you mean by that?” said Andrei. “Your situation right now also happened to me, that was five years ago. My bestfriend and I also had a fight, it started as a little misunderstanding then it grew bigger and grew to a big fight. I tried to please him but he’s very hard to please, just like Liza, until I was sick and tired of pleasing him and saying sorry, I gave up. Our kiddie fight grew into an endless fight. That’s why I don’t like seeing others fight for a long time and for just a little thing, I hope you and Liza would be friends again, just like before when we were in high school.” said Charles. “Ok, we’ll work this out.” Andrei said. Liza and Andrei became good friends again until, one day Andrei dreamt a very bad dream. He dreamt about losing someone he really loved, and his family and friends. He’s very afraid that it would happen so he told his dreams to his friends, but Liza and Charles is the only person who believes in him.

Liza said, “Andrei, you should take care.” “And I think you should stop fooling around” Charles added up. “What do you mean by that?” Andrei asked. “That you should stop fooling around with Katrina” Charles replied. “I’m not fooling around with Katrina” Andrei said. “What do you mean by not fooling around? You’re cheating her, you’re a two timer!” Liza added up, “What do you mean by that Liza?” Andrei asked curiously.




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