Chapter Seventeen

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Pineheart was back in the elder's den, comforting Toadpelt. Nettlekit was back to playing with the other kits. Stonestar was back to his former self. Fernfeather was back to warrior duties. Shadeflower was returning to camp with a mouse. Thankfully she'd found something, hopefully the rest of the hunting patrol she'd sent out had caught something too. She set it down on the freshkill pile. She sighed deeply. Stonestar was now on his last life.

"Shadeflower, we found a nest of mice!" Brownfur bounded over. "We caught three of them!" Shadeflower felt hope grow within her.

"That's wonderful!"

"Should we go back and try to catch some more?" Smokeshine asked. Graywhisker set down his catch down.

"Why not? It's the first good news this week!" Shadeflower  meowed. The three of them nodded as the sunhigh patrol returned.

"All the borders are quiet." Oakbriar said,

"We reset the border markers." Mudpelt nodded. Ravenfeather and Dustclaw nodded in response. Shadeflower smiled happily. It was almost time for Jayspirit's kits to be made apprentices, though Nettlekit wouldn't be doing apprentice duties for a while. Shadeflower yawned. Leafbare couldn't go by fast enough.


"Mintkit, you have reached the age of six moons, and it is time for you to be apprenticed. From this day, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Mintpaw. I ask StarClan to watch over you and guide you until you find in your paws the strength and courage of a warrior." Stonestar gazed down that pale gray tabby shecat. He motioned for Pinetail to step forward.

"Pinetail, you are ready to take on an apprentice, and you have shown yourself to be loyal and true to the end. You will be the mentor of Mintpaw."

"Nettlepaw! Mintpaw! Flowerpaw!" The clan cheered for the new apprentices. Shadeflower herself had suggested making Pinetail a mentor, to hopefully distract and help the tom get over the loss of his mate. Shadeflower thought Mintpaw was the perfect choice. She was young, energetic, and easily distracted. She would be a pawful alright, but Shadeflower  believed that's exactly what Pinetail needed.


Silverkit and Badgerkit were playing in the clearing. Mintpaw was teaching Nettlepaw some hunting moves. Ravenfeather and Rowanpetal were sharing a mouse together. All was well in Shadowclan.

"Kittypets! At the twolegs nest!" Crowpelt yowled, tripping over his paws. His ear was torn and bleeding. "They attacked! Stonestar and Briarflower are there!" Shadeflower immediately looked up.

"Quick! Oakbriar, Brownfur, Graywhisker, Echofoot, Featherlight, and Adderstrike, we have to go help!"

"Shadeflower, you have to stay back." Aspenberry meowed. "You have to stay back, you can't be in every battle. " Shadeflower looked at the medicine cat, who had pleading eyes. Shadeflower hated the idea of staying back but she nodded.

"Graywhisker, you lead the patrol. Send for me if you need help" Shadeflower meowed. The tom nodded and he left with the patrol. Shadeflower's paws itched and Stormfall approached her.

"Don't worry. It will be okay." He meowed.


The patrol returned, carrying Stonestar's body. Shadeflower's heart leaped. No, not more death! Oakbriar had scratches all along her back, Brownfur was leaning on Briarflower's shoulder. Brownfur had a twisted paw, and scratches along her muzzle. Briarflower had a bleeding bite on her tail. Crowpelt had a slash on his chest fur. Graywhisker had a wrenched shoulder. Echofoot had minor scratches. Featherlight and Adderstrike were barely injured and they were carrying Stonestar.

"No!" Shadeflower shrieked running over. "No! Stonestar, you can't be dead! I'm not ready to be a leader! Please be alive." Oakbriar jumped in front of Shadeflower.

"Shadeflower, it's okay. You don't have to be upset." Oakbriar meowed. "He saved us all." Shadeflower trembled in sadness.

"This isn't fair!" She wailed.

"He's with Silvershine now. He's in StarClan Shadeflower, you have to go receive your nine lives. You'll be Shadestar." Echofoot meowed. "It's okay."

"I'll go with you." Aspenberry meowed. "Shimmerleaf will help the injured."

"I'm not ready." Shadeflower trembled.

"You'll be okay." He meowed. Shadeflower looked around at the camp, all of the cats looking up to her, giving her encouraging looks. She felt so overwhelmed but this was something she had to do.

"Okay. We will leave at once." Shadeflower meowed, swallowing the lump in her throat.

(Warriors) 🌹Flower In The Shadows🌹 Volume I: ✳Dark Seeds✳Where stories live. Discover now