Chapter Eighteen

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    "I'm not ready for this, Aspenberry." Shadeflower meowed to her. She gazed into the moonpool. Aspenberry laid her tail on her shoulder, comfortingly.

    "It's okay, my dear. Don't be afraid. This must be your destiny." The tortishell shecat meowed. She nodded her head. "Go on. It will be alright."

Shadeflower nodded and she laid down and lapped at the moonpool's water and her eyes closed.

    She awoke in StarClan and she looked around the pine trees, and the smooth green grass. It was so peaceful here. She saw the shapes of StarClan warriors appear into view, she saw so many familiar faces.

    Badgerclaw was the first to approach her. Shadeflower's eyes brightened.

    "Badgerclaw!" She said happily, bounding over to her father. They touched noses and rubbed their cheeks together.

    "My dear daughter. It is good to see you." He meowed. "I am so proud of you, my sweet Shadeflower ." He touched his nose to her head.

"With this life I give you courage . Use it well, for in the darkest of times, courage will help you through." Shadeflower felt a wave of fire go through her pelt and she wanted to fall to her paws, but she was frozen in place. As soon as it started it was gone. Badgerclaw dipped his head and he backed away. The next cat to step forward was Silvershine.

    "Silvershine, I'm so sorry! I'm sorry I wasn't fast enough to-" she silenced her with her tail.

    "It wasn't your fault, dear Shadeflower. " she touched her nose to her head. "With this life I give you a mother's love . Use it to guide your clan, it will make your bond with them stronger." The fire singed her pelt as she felt the huge desire to protect those who she loved. The pain wasn't that painful and she felt as though the love inside her could help her conquer everything. Silvershine stepped back and smiled. The next cat to step forward was Yellowfang. She touched her nose to her head

    "With this life I give you hope. Even in the most grim of times, hope will give the strength you need." Warmth passed through her pelt, lifting her spirits. She felt a breeze ruffle her fur. She opened her eyes. Yellowfang gave her a smile before padding away. Flamestorm stepped forward, looking healthy and strong. He walked up to her, touching her nose to her head.

    "With this life I give you endurance. Use it when you feel like giving up." She felt a blazing rush of energy as she felt like she could run and jump and swim until the end of time. She opened her eyes, feeling like she had to gasp for breath. She blinked. A tiny ginger she kit bounded up to her. Sunkit! One of Shimmerleaf's sisters! The kit reared up on her back paws to touch her nose to shadeflowers head.

    "With this life I give you trust . Remember to trust your heart. It will never lead you astray." The tiny kit meowed. Sunkit meowed and ran over to join Mistkit and Silvershine. A calico she cat approached her.

    "I am Hazelsong, Badgerclaw's mother." She meows, dipping her head. "You are going to be a great leader of ShadowClan." shadeflower felt embarrassment prick at her pelt. The she cat touched her nose to Shadeflower's head. "With this life I give you compsssion . Use it to keep you humble and connected with your fellow clan mates." A rush of warmth and sweetness rushed over her and Shadeflower felt dizzy and overwhelmed. Then it was over. Hazelsong purred and backed away. A famous ShadowClan cat, Tawnypelt stepped forward. She touched her nose to Shadeflower's head.

    "With this life I give you mercy. Know the difference between justice and revenge." She meowed and Shadeflower wanted to drop to her paws as the aching feeling of loss and hope overwhelmed her at the same time. It was over soon and she breathed in heavily. Cinderdapple, Aspenberry's sister stepped forward.

    "With this life I give you faith. When all seems lost, have faith in StarClan and yourself." She backed away as a cool sense of calm overcame Shadeflower. She suddenly felt as though all would be alright. Stonestar stepped forward, the last cat to give her her last life.

    "Stonestar, I'm so scared." Shadeflower meowed softly.

    "It will be alright, Shadeflower. This is your destiny." He meowed. "With this life I give you confidence. Use it when you feel doubt, because you are strong and can do anything." He meowed and Shadeflower felt a weight lift off her chest and warmth and calm overtake her. Shadeflower looked around at all the cats who gave her a life.

    "I hail you by your new name, Shadestar, your old life is no more. You have now received the nine lives of a Leader, and StarClan grants you the guardianship of ShadowClan. Defend it well; care for young and old; honor your ancestors and the traditions of the Warrior Code; live each life with pride and dignity." Stonestar dipped his head and the Starclan cats cheered her new name.

    Shadestar awoke next to the moonpool with Aspenberry. She was leader of ShadowClan now. This was her clan.

    "Come. We must return to camp to name your deputy." Aspenberry meowed. Shadestar nodded. The two of them returned to camp. The clan was patiently waiting, they had buried Stonestar.

    "Shadestar! Shadestar! Shadestar! Shadestar!" The clan cheered as Shadestar walked in. Stormfall Oakbriar, and her kits wreathed around her. The clan looked up to her.

    "The deputy of ShadowClan will be Stormfall" Shadestar meowed. The two cats rubbed cheeks, and Stormfall licked her ears. "And I will gladly be your mate. I love you, and I know that now." he purred.

    "I told you I would wait for you forever. I love you, my leader." he meowed. Shadestar closed her eyes, finally feeling free and happy.

(Warriors) 🌹Flower In The Shadows🌹 Volume I: ✳Dark Seeds✳Where stories live. Discover now