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You absolutely hated homework. It pressured you and made you stress out most of the time. But right when you were about to rip your hairs out, you got a text. It read, "Coups <3; Are you free right now?" You were relieved to be able to talk to him.

Y/N                                                                                                                                                                          Coups <3

Yes, I'm as free as ever     

                                                                                                                                            Wanna hang out? I'm bored

Sure! Pick me up?

                                                                                                                                                                        I'm coming :)

You made it to the café in his car. He wrapped his arm around you as you walked in, as if saying, "Back off fellas, this one's mine.". You didn't mind. You though it was kind of cute. Once you sat down, the waiter came and asked you and him what to order. Seungcheol spoke first.  "I'll have this and that—and this would be good too." You ordered a small French vanilla coffee because you didn't want to make him pay too much. The waiter came out shortly with a variety of cake slices and your drink. Seungcheol gave you two slices and asked, "Which one do you think is more delicious?" You replied quickly. "The chocolate one, obviously." He nodded and pushed it towards you. It was confusing. Did he want you to eat it? "Enjoy it." He smiled.


You both walked out after paying into the purple night sky. The air was chilly, and you had only brought a thin sweater. Seungcheol noticed you shivering slightly, and did the most cliché thing possible right now. He took of his coat and gave it to you. "Oh come on. you didn't have to."  you said as you attempted to take it off. "No, no, no! Keep it." He insisted, and so you did keep it. Its smelled like him, the thought of keeping this coat made you blush. He was your superhero,  no matter what the situation is. He'd come to the rescue, despite his conditions. He would always be, your super Seungcheol ♡

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