02 | chuck

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"-I swear I will kill the next person who will ask me where the bathroom is," Chanyeol muttered to himself, his arms crossed against his chest as Sehun sufficed a small laugh.

It's been almost three hours into the auditions that were held by the older boy; and he wasn't hiding the fact that he was mildly pissed off by the kids who showed up.

Some snapped guitar strings, others couldn't tell who Chanyeol even was, and the rest sang like a herd of dying cows.

"Call for another break, I can't take this anymore-" Chanyeol got up from the judging table with a tiring expression which was matching his exhausted tone of voice, "Take in a couple of kids yourself, I'll join you later."

"But this is already your ninth break-" Sehun began but was only given a door slam as a response.

With a sigh; he stacked the leftover amount of forms into a pile and made his way outside into the waiting area to announce that a delay of five minutes would be added onto the auditioning schedule - since he himself was just as drained as his best friend.

Byun Baekhyun let out an irritated sigh as he glanced onto his watch once again. If it weren't for all the constant break times being added; he would have been finished with the day that was stressing him out enough already.

But instead of sinking deeper into his seat, that he most certainly thought he was glued to by now; he excused himself from the crowd of awaiting kids and made his way towards the bathroom.

He flattened out his jean pockets and straightened his shirt; ruffled his hair from out his eyes and wiped the arising sweat on his forehead.

Fatigue was drawled into him but he wasn't giving up on the challenging day, instead he hummed a song to himself as he walked through the tight white halls, suddenly colliding into something very tall.

"Oh how I'm sick of all of you's," the stranger's voice rummaged loudly with an annoyed sigh.

Baekhyun choked on an insult as he coughed out instead, "Excuse me?"

The taller boy looked down at him, fuzzy brown hair accompanied by a set of big ears that acted as a delicate feature to his matching brown eyes. Baekhyun staggered backwards, unable to bare the rudeness of the stranger as he continued to spit out words of irritation.

"Just get out of my fucking way you little midget- and watch where you're going next time."

"Has no one ever told you about a thing called manners and being polite?" Baekhyun reasoned in response, earning a death glare onto himself.

"Well has no one ever told you that you should apologise when you walk into someone?"

Baekhyun only stared back in return, unable to comprehend the arrogance of the stranger as he shoved through him and back towards the waiting area without a reply.

The rage still coiled inside of him, emotions visibly running out of hand as the encounter left him dealing with useless overthinking that hurt his head.

Luckily enough, his thoughts dispersed once a voice called out his name; inviting him to a private room to perform his audition.

The song that Baekhyun chose; a popular ballad used in his favourite drama, drove the single-judge into a state of awestruck almost immediately. With that, Baekhyun calmly digested the accomplishing feeling as he continued to sing note in note with the instrumental accompaniment.

He enjoyed the music that surrounded him, the flow of words that came so natural and the rhythm of the melody that felt secure with his heartbeat. That was until a door slam awoke him from his senses and he was forced to face an image of a stranger entering the studio-room.

He recognised the tall figure so suddenly that his singing came to an abrupt pause as he permanently stopped in his tracks.

"Chanyeol did you hear this guy? He's amazing-!" the single-judge, who's name-tag read 'Sehun', commented as the other boy took a seat beside him at the panel and looked up straight into Baekhyun's eyes.

"Who's this?" Baekhyun croaked out, motioning towards the rude stranger that he'd encountered just before his audition.

Sehun glanced at his companion, a small smile on his lips as he said, "This is Park Chanyeol; the music producer who organised this event."

Shock petrified Baekhyun, "He's the music producer?"

"Hold on, are you that punk-?" Chanyeol began with uncertainty, squinting his eyes at the older boy before him.

"Oh hell no," Baekhyun loudly announced, cutting off the boy as he grabbed onto his bag, "If he's the guy in charge-" he motioned at Chanyeol again, "-then I'm out."

He stood there for a moment before shaking his head and walking out. With that, the door to the studio room slammed close once again and silence followed the vacant presence.

Sehun was at a loss of words before erupting into a series of accusements and shouting statements, "What did you do now?!" he exclaimed at the boy who only rolled his eyes back at him.

"The kid basically ran into me and then proceeded to lecture me-!"

"For the record," Sehun sighed, "He's older than you."

"Do I care?" Chanyeol argued back.

"You should! That guy was the only decent one here and now he's gone!" Sehun slumbered back into his plastic chair that almost broke with the force.

"We'll find someone better."

But they never did.

written: february 20, 2017
니카 :3

uploaded: april 6, 2017

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