17 | never ever

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"So what did you want to talk about?" Baekhyun asked, shuffling by Chanyeol's side as he followed him to their unknown destination. His nose sniffled against the cold, and hands were clutched in fists; the blue crown of nameless flowers sitting on his head without hesitation.

Beside him, the taller boy yawned tiredly but avoided the question for a moment - trying to make up his mind and arrange the words correctly. After all; if he lets his tongue slip and blurt out something he never meant, that's his final chance gone. And so he dragged the silence for another while, hoping to settle his thoughts or even stay away from the conversation for a little longer.

To his luck, Baekhyun coped on fast and so instead he urged onwards, "Well where are we going?" his voice was dry as the words rung.

"Um-" Chanyeol's feet stumbled and stopped, his eyes lost and head a mess, "I was thinking of some café; but realised it'd be especially busy today - at this time particularly," his lips twitched into a frown.

"Alright, then how about we go to the amusement park?" the older boy suggested and was greeted with a surprised expression, "Goodness sake Chanyeol, you're looking at me as if I said 'let's go to the beach'."

The boy shook his head with a chuckle, "It's not that; isn't it too cold for any outside activities?"

"Well look at it this way," Baekhyun glanced at his phone, "It's almost half six, and the place opened mere minutes previous. Therefore there won't be much crowds, especially with this weather," he looked at the sky before returning his gaze back at Chanyeol. "Which means barely any queues! C'mon," he tugged the younger boy's arm, "Let's go, it'll be fun."

"Fine," Chanyeol rolled his eyes and let the older boy pull him a couple of streets down. The clouds above were soft, although promising seasonal storms as they hovered in greying clutches. Although fortunately, there was no wind to howl up every corner and every shadow; no violent whistles that echoed through the city that was obsessed with the idea of love - just like any other place in the world at this exact moment.

"See I told you there's gonna be barely any people here!" Baekhyun beamed at Chanyeol who couldn't help but to look down at the boy and smile. "Alright, alright," he murmured in defeat; while the older boy asked, "Any rides you fancy?"

"Yeah, the food stalls," Chanyeol's eyes were plastered at the steaming servings.

"Promise me at least two rides and then we'll eat out," Baekhyun held out his pinky as his lips curled into a small pout.

Chanyeol laughed at how silly (and cute) the older boy was; and without much thought he reached his pinky out as well, locking it with Baekhyun's - suddenly realising what he signed up for.

"Bumper cars here we come!" Baekhyun then exclaimed, drawing the taller boy behind him as their fingers intertwined. And for a moment, Chanyeol questioned the other's radiant mood, although without any complaints; the happiness sprawled over to him and he no longer doubted that the cold could ruin the evening.

Baekhyun's laugh was a soft echo that Chanyeol found longing, and even though the older boy was mockingly choking through his laughing tears; he could not but help the smile that lingered on his own lips.

"-the look on your face when you climbed into that bumper car but your legs wouldn't fit-" Baekhyun's words grew into little hiccuping giggles.

"Hey it wasn't my fault!" the younger boy reasoned, "Anyways, that's one ride done, any propositions for your last wish?"

"I'm considering the roller coaster," Baekhyun hummed, "Any objections?" Receiving a shaking head, the older boy grinned and set off; Chanyeol falling into a step behind as he almost had to chase the hyper boy.

The roller coaster cab was designed for four people, two facing two, but without any doubts; both boys hopped on together, clinging onto each other as the bar pulled over their stomachs and clicked securely. Chanyeol grasped one hand onto the rail - while the other clasped around Baekhyun's one. Their sides pressed together, shoulders constantly smacking as the ride swung in all directions possible. Both were screaming; though neither admitted it.

By the time they got off, Chanyeol lost his appetite and hope to catch the ferris wheel, after all; his hair was a complete wreckage and he was simply too tired to even stand. With that, he hitched a picnic table while Baekhyun passed him steaming coffee and a portion of ramen that the younger boy slurped quietly. With the adrenaline still pursing loudly, clicking through their ears, neither felt the surrounding cold biting onto them.

"I know you're wondering why I'm still avoiding that conversation with you," Chanyeol sighed, "And I appreciate you not forcing it out of me because I know this would be very hard to process and work towards to-"

"-Everything's okay, right?" Baekhyun's voice dripped with concern.

"I have a proposition," Chanyeol looked up weakly, "And when I was walking to your flower shop I thought I could talk to you about it straight away, at first I wanted to just call; but things like this must be discussed face to face."

"Chan- you're scaring me," the older muttered, putting his hands over the other boy's that lay palms down on the wooden surface.

Chanyeol pressed a small smile, "I swear it's nothing bad.. just very hard to accept and take responsibility for," he paused, "Look I know I already totally wasted your night hanging out here, but can we go to the studio and talk there? It's just so much more comfortable there and homey, and warm-"

"Firstly, you did not waste neither mine nor your time, I found it fun - and I hope you did too. And secondly, as long as you don't kidnap or murder me; then we're fine," Baekhyun chuckled, standing up to leave, "Lead the way."

Chanyeol nodded solemnly, in honesty understanding that he exaggerated the whole situation into something very serious; which in reality it kind of was.

"On a random sidenote, can I still kidnap you even though you're older?"

"Just shut up," Baekhyun elbowed him, and with that; they wandered through the darkening streets as their hands held.

written: april 18, 2017
니카 :3

uploaded: may 28, 2017

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