Justice Building

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I get thrown into a large looking room, separated from the other tribute. The room was highly luxurious, it looked like it was made of a million dollars. This is coming from someone of district two as well. I sit down on the edge of a long sofa, as if it was to nice to be sat on. The table in front of me held fragile glass ornaments that reflected perfectly when it hit the light. Despite that I still wanted to grab one and throw it across the room. The only thing stopping me doing so is me pressing my hands together hard, locking them into place. The anger becomes over- whelming all of a sudden, so I get out my chair and pace around the room for a while. I was prepared to run out the two doors, but I knew beyond them was peacekeepers that would tackle me; probably even kill me. But that would mean that they'd have to repeat the Reaping ceremony, pissing off Snow and coincidentally getting themselves killed. I stare at the door hoping that it would open up and I would see my mother. Or my father. Or anyone I actually love.

Soon enough they do open, but we are given a short amount of time. My mother, Charlotte (my younger sister) and Luke (my older brother) arrive. My sister pulls me in for a hug and looks at me "I'm so sorry" she whispered. This makes me smile. Charlotte was just young, 8 to be exact, this coming from a girl who didn't even understand this world we live in just yet meant everything. Luke makes eye contact with me and holds it. He randomly ran in for a hug. I don't hold back although I kind of felt uneasy. Usually, you couldn't even go near him without him tackling you. He is how I know many hand to hand combat skills. "You're brave, you'll kick ass" he laughs with a glint in his eye. He was tearing up.

"Ay, less on that. Come here love" my mum joked, trying to lighten the mood although she was also tearing up. My mothers hugs felt warm, comfortable. Like they could protect me from death itself. Charlotte didn't see this the way I did. It was rare she ever hugged mum, despite her being the sweetest girl in the world. Not to mention one of the brightest. Me and her was exact opposites, but we loved each other despite.

"Were is dad?" I ask, only just realising

"He's at home, he said he didn't think he could handle it" mother stuttered.

"That's ok" I sigh in disappointment, this could/is probably the last time I'd be able to see him, and he didn't take the opportunity. The peacekeepers threw open the doors, and pointed out. I found it to be creepy how they didn't speak often. Unidentifiable faces ordering you around from the capital. I hug my sister again "you're strong, be strong" I tell her, kissing her forehead.

They get dragged away from my grasp and the doors swing shut violently. I felt the cold repel from the doors as they closed, quickly thinking I'd have to get used to the feeling of cold soon. Well, probably. They reopen unexpectedly and in walked Aiden, of course he would of came. He pulls me to his chest and locks me into place. I stroke the back of his hair with one of my hands, hoping that I'd be able to do it again someday. "Listen, Isa. You're strong, you can do this. Use your knife skills i taught you and use your bow if you can, your father will be irritated if you made his effort go to waste. You're fine with hand to hand, so you'll be ok if anyone wants a fist fight. Pick up new skills at the training centre and make alliances. Find shelter, oh and water, make sure to-" he rambled on "and- you'll come back, you will" he finished calmly.

I de-attach my self from him and meet his eyes "I'll be back before you know it" I whisper, more confident than I feel. I mean, Katniss Everdeen will want to take the bow as soon as possible, I won't get the bow for definite. The better things will for sure be near the stronger tributes, the more worthy ones. And I shouldn't run towards the cornucopia anyway, I'll be murdered in less time you could say cornucopia. The only chance I'll have is if someone wants to be allies with me. My fellow tribute won't want to, unless he's had a sudden change in heart. It's all down to luck really...

"Hey, these games are meant to break you. So-so stay strong, yeah?"

"We've been designed to be hurt, life is meant to break us" I reply blankly, with a weak smile.

He pulls me in for the last hug and he's been taken away. I sit back down onto the sofa and stroke my hands along it trying not to cry now. I wouldn't want to appear weak, not yet at least. I only just notice the favours in the table. Nuts and breadsticks. How nice of them. They want to kill me off and they offer me breadsticks. How grateful I am. I feel the heat building up again, and I pick up a nut and throw it with full power across the room. It abruptly stops when it hit the other wall. I'd manage to make it stick into the wall. For some reason I found humour out of this, so I did it a few more times until the women returned with Phoenix. She looks at me worriedly and gulps "off we go Isa" I grab a breadstick to chew on, to calm my nerves that had returned. Phoenix didn't show any emotion at all, I don't know how. I guess he's not doubting that he's going to die any time soon. Certainly not in the games.

We get to the train station and there is already some cameras there. I avoid looking at them, considering that I've not figured out how I'm going to come across to the public. I already have some idea of what my fellow tribute is going to be, considering he's actually full of himself. However, I'm 14. I could come across innocent or the badass young one. Or both really, it depends on my team. The train doors opened and I stepped on, trying to take in everything around me. It looked Devine. I remember why I'm here and return to being annoyed. I kick my feet up on to a coffee table from the lush seats, and Bliss gives me a dirty look. Bliss is District 2s escort. I decided that if I was going to have to spend time with her, I might as well learn her name. Her full name is Bliss stone, almost as ridiculous as her outfits. Or the capital in general. Our mentor was Brutus. He looked intimidating. Well, I'm guessing he is just satisfied that he didn't get reaped for the second time. That's probably his happy face. And angry face. And any expression imaginable face.

The food in here is a lot better than the food offered in the Justice Building. Small treats and cakes, obscure foods I've not even seen before. I eat one of them that was block green and pink, and it was incredibly sweet; Almost came back up as green. "No, no eating yet dinner will be here soon!" Bliss practically yelled. Despite her orders I pop another small cake in my mouth whole and smile ignorantly. I manage to get a laugh out Of Cade some how. Speaking of Cade, I think it's settled in that he will quite possibly die now. He'll be selected to be in a arena with mindless murders for the capitals amusement. When you think about it, you can tell how messed up this all is. You don't even really have to think about it at all. You just know. Sending of children to go get killed in an arena whilst millions people watch on the edge of there seats wondering who was going to be killed off next. Rather, sadistic? I go to stand at the window, and I can see how quickly the train is going. You can't even focus on anything before it gets pulled away from sight.

"How long with the journey take?" I ask, still stood at the window

"You'll be there before you know it" Bliss replied "By the way, all the clothes in your room are at your disposal. Feel free to change. I'd suggest changing after eating"

"Mm" I reply emotionless. I return to a seat. I make eye contact with Cade and he stares me down, and I wave at him sarcastically "want a picture? It'll last longer"

"Oo, it would wouldn't it? Last longer I mean, you'll be destroyed in those games"

"And you won't?" I spit, trying to hold back my fist

"Now now children, play nice" Bliss spoke "Oh look, dinner" How she was still so content I don't know. Even if she's done this a couple times. I wouldn't be able to stomach the fact that the two kids in front of me would most likely be dead soon. I sit down at the table and it's filled with lush meats, mash potatoes as well as lots of other types, peas and side dishes all to my pleasure. Like a Sunday dinner basically. I delicately spoon things into my plate, as to my surprise Cade is scoffing things down with his hands. I never thought that a boy like him would eat like that. Well, he's a boy isn't he. Not a man. Bliss throws a dirty look at his non existent manners, but he continues in his chosen pathway. I swallow bit by bit, trying not to bring it back up over Cades obnoxiously loud chewing sounds. Before I know it I've ate until I almost threw up, I literally feel stuffed. I go to my room and sit on the ready made bed and instantly fall asleep. It's been a long day

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2017 ⏰

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