Memories, discoveries and arrangements

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Here is another one, 

"Okay, girls. We should get back to Alfea now because I am starving!" Stella said and everyone laughed. They said their last goodbyes to the students before the Winx went back to the ship while the specialists and paladins mounted their bikes.

Two days later...

"No way! I can't believe it!" Musa was screaming with joy as the Winx were at Daphne's class. They had just been told by a late Daphne that they had been invited to visit the Golden Auditorium, which was known as the most exclusive music college in the Magic Dimension.

"And we get to come?" Flora asked, surprised.

"Of course! It will be a great opportunity for us to better explore the subjects we've covered so far." Daphne explained and Musa was almost jumping with joy.

"This is the best news ever! I can't wait!" The other laughed at her over excitement, but they were happy too. It would be a good opportunity to relax a bit and not think about the Trix. After class ended, the group of six walked along the corridors towards their dorm.

"So, Musa, you sure are excited!" Stella said and they all laughed.

"I'm glad we get to go there, Musa." Bloom said as she squeezed the music fairy's shoulder.

"Yeah, too bad I'll have to miss it." Aisha said with a frown. They gave her confused looks, having forgotten why she would miss their visit.

"Wait a second, you're not going?" Stella asked in disbelief.

"I have to go to Andros, remember?" The water fairy told them. "My parents have gone nuts and they want me to take the throne right now." She sighed as she thought of her parents. She had thought that their relationship had improved a lot, but it seemed like they were right back where they had started: them trying to force her to do something she didn't want to and her trying to argue with them. She didn't understand why they were doing this again.

"That's true. Good luck there, Aisha. I'm sure that your parents will see reason." Musa told her comfortingly and she gave the music fairy a smile.

"Thanks, Musa." Then it was Flora's turn to frown.

"I guess that means I can't go either. After all, Helia and I agreed to look after Lana while you and Nabu went to Andros." The Winx shared a sad look, not liking that they wouldn't be able to visit the Golden Auditorium together.

"That's a shame. I'm sure you would have loved it, Flo." Musa told her and she gave a grim smile.

"I'm sure I would've. At least I'll have some fun playing with my favorite niece." She smiled at the thought of spending an entire day with baby Lana.

"Good luck on that." Aisha said as the group of six reached their dorm. It was late at night, so most girls went to their room and changed into their pajamas so that they could get some sleep. It wasn't Musa and Tecna's case. Musa decided to call Riven and tell him about their visit and Tecna was feeling nervous because of her meeting with Timmy's parents the next day, so she decided to do what she always did when she was nervous: study.

"Hey, Riven, it's me." Musa told her boyfriend once his image appeared. She noticed that he wasn't in his bedroom, but at the stadium.

"Hi, what's up?" There was a rather nervous look in his face and Musa wondered why that was.

"We've all been invited to the Golden Auditorium. We leave tomorrow." The magenta haired specialist remembered how Musa had told him about how much she wanted to go there, so he smiled at her.

"That's great, Musa! I'm happy for you." He attempted to appear excited when truly he wasn't happy at all.

"Yeah. Look, is everything okay? Because you seem to be a bit out of it." She said and he cursed himself for not realizing she would be able to read him so well.

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