He Saved Me...

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Oliver Queen frantically searched the outer offices for more victims of the gunman who suddenly opened fire at City Hall, killing or wounding several people.  He raced through shattered glass and broken office furniture, adrenaline pulsing through him.  As he rushed from room to room, one thought kept repeating in his mind, Where was his sister, Thea???

"Ollie!  Help!"

At the sound of Thea's shrill cry, Oliver rushed into the next room.  His beautiful sister Thea was there, kneeling on the ground in front of fallen bodies.  Oliver scooped her lithe frame up and pulled her into his strong arms.  She was shaking.

"Thea!  Thank God!  Are you okay?  Are you hurt?"  Oliver's voice throbbed with fear and worry.  Thea nodded, holding back sobs.

"I'm fine.  But Ollie...,"  Thea pointed to where she had been kneeling.  Oliver finally saw it -- FELICITY!  Oliver's eyes went wide with horror.  She wasn't supposed to be here.  She was supposed to be safe back at the Arrow Cave.

"Felicity?  No... oh, God... No!"  Oliver's face crumbled.  Felicity was half buried underneath a male office employee who was clearly dead.  Blood was smeared on her neck and chest and pooling on the floor.  The rest of her body was hidden from Oliver's sight, covered by the man.  Oliver reached out to test for a pulse.  As his fingers brushed against Felicity's soft neck, she regained consciousness.

"Felicity?  Can you hear me?  It's me, Oliver.  Felicity?"  Oliver tried to get her to speak.

Felicity took a moment to regain her senses.  She moaned and raised her hand to an angry gash on her head.  Blood trickled down the side of her face.

"Oliver?  What happened?  Oh, my, God...," Felicity slowly took in her surroundings, including the dead man lying in her lap.

"It's okay.  Don't move.  I've got you.  You're going to be okay," Oliver tried to soothe Felicity.  He reached out to remove the dead man's body from Felicity's lap.  Suddenly, Felicity pushed Oliver's hands away.

"No!  Wait...," she blurted out.  Oliver stared at Felicity, confused and impatient.  He was barely holding it together.

"Felicity, I need to move him.  You need help.  You're bleeding.  Please...," Oliver pleaded with her.  His eyes referred to the blood on Felicity's clothing and pooling around her.

"It's not my blood."

"You don't know -- " Oliver started to argue.

"He saved me," Felicity interrupted him with urgency in her voice.  She cradled the dead man's head gently.  Tears spilled from her intelligent blue eyes as memories of the terrifying moments before came flooding back.  "I heard gunfire and when I turned around, he was there in front of me, pointing the gun at me," Felicity recalled.

Oliver, still kneeling on the floor next to Felicity with his hand on her shoulder, squeezed his eyes shut in an attempt to block out the horrific image of Felicity, defenseless, face to face with the gunman.

"He pulled me down.  He doesn't even  know me.  But he put himself between me and the gunman and pulled me down.  I hit my head...," Felicity continued as she glanced down at the lifeless body in her arms.  She unconsciously raised her hand to her head wound.  Oliver inspected the wound more closely.  It was oozing and going to need stitches.

"We need to get this cut looked at, Felicity," Oliver insisted.  But Felicity didn't seem to hear him, a far off look on her face.  She was still lost in the terrifying memories.

"He shielded me with his body.  I felt the bullets hit him.  He saved me, Oliver.  He saved my life and I don't even know his name," Felicity cried.  Oliver took this in, a look of disbelief and profound gratitude on his ragged face.

"There's nothing we can do for him now, Felicity.  But we need to get you to the hospital and get that head wound checked out.  You have to let him go...," Oliver tried to explain to her.

Felicity's watery eyes flicked up to Oliver's.  She gave a quick nod of assent.  With great care, Oliver lifted the dead man's weight off of Felicity.  He quickly scanned her body for any additional injuries.  Even though she was covered in the other man's blood, he found none.  Oliver exhaled in relief.

He put his suit jacket around Felicity's narrow shoulders and ripped a piece of his undershirt to hold against her head wound to staunch the bleeding before he positioned himself behind her and cradled her in his strong arms.

"I got you, Felicity.  Paramedics are on their way.  You're safe.  Everything's going to be okay," Oliver promised.

Felicity looked up at Oliver, her watery gaze met his intense stare, as if to say, Is it?  Weary to the bone, Felicity closed her eyes and leaned into Oliver, taking refuge in his solid form and unfailing strength.

Author's Note: This is my first published story on Wattpad.  I will be adding at least two additional scenes to this story that are a continuation of what I started here.  Lots more good stuff to come, especially if you are an Olicity fan like me.  I will update shortly so keep checking back.  And let me know what you think!  Happy reading...

Bonus Scenes from ARROW: "SPECTRE OF THE GUN" Season 5, Episode 13Where stories live. Discover now