~Chapter Two~The punch

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I didn't get much sleep after that. I was to scared to change, so I just wore the same thing to school. I walked to the bus stop, and saw Randy and his friends. They were arguing with some kid. The kid started saying something, then started punching Randy and his gang. He was about to punch him again, but I pushed him over and received a accidental punch to the neck. I held my neck gasping for air.I went to the grass and coughed up little bits of blood. I walked back and walked towards Randy. "Are you okay?" I ask gingerly touching his bruised face and slit lip.

"You're asking me? You coughed up blood," He said. I waved it off. I heard the kid and his friend or brother, I don't care, arguing.

"Kid, i'm sorry," The guy said. I glared at him.

"Listen,I don't care if you punch me. Really. But, stay way from Randy. I don't know that story, I don't want to, but you cant just punch innocent kids," I said. I wiped up the excess blood on my face. The bus finally arrived.

"You can't just fight battles that aren't yours,"Randy said to me on the bus. I shrugged.


I started walking home. There was a note taped on the door, it said, "Y/N, I'm going on a date wth this hella hot guy. Xoxo ~ Maria". I loved that about Maria. She was 31, but had the looks and personality of a 18 year old. I guess that's why we're so close. I took off the lime green note and unlocked my house. I closed the door and went upstairs. After a couple hours I heard a sound on my window. Almost like a knock. I opened my window to see what it was. It was none other than Randy. I rolled my eyes and went outside. I was freezing since I was only in a My Chemical Romance t shirt and white shorts.

"What?" I ask.

"Wanna hang out?" He asked innocently. I stared at him. That's it? THATS IT? I'm getting hypothermia just so I can hang out?!I mentally face palmed myself. I sighed and nodded. Randy began skateboarding towards his house. I froze. I stayed close to Randy. He opened the door. "DAD?!" he yelled. We heard some groggily noises. I went white. He's here. I then heard footsteps behind me. I looked behind me to see Randy's dad. I backed away, but he cornered me in. He covered my mouth. I struggled once again. He grinned.

"I thought Randy deserved this, but oh you deserve it much more~" he said in a husky voice. I shivered. I remembered our deal. I don't tell, Randy's safe. He pushed me to the ground. I got away from him, and thing to get back to Randy. I finally caught up to him. They went up to Randy's room and I followed. Randy began to play some video games and smoke weed. His friends did the same.

"I would offer you some weed, but you actually seem too smart to be into drugs," he said. My face got heated. Is that a compliment?

"...I uh t-thanks?" I said sitting on his bed. He paused the game and stood up.

"So good news guys. My dad stopped being you know...aggressive," he announced. The guys asked questions and you know did bro-mance stuff. "Also, remember that Jeff kid? Who punched Y/N in the throat?" He asked.

"Wait...he punched her in the neck? She's so innocent," Keith snorted. Wow, thanks. Wait... thanks?

"Well, eh she's not innocent she's just stupid. Book smart, though. Anyway, he only punched her because she did the most stupidest thing ever. She pushed me out of the way so she could protect me," he chuckled. My face was red. He didn't need anymore abuse. That's all there is to it. Nothing else. The guys laughed.

"Why'd you do that?" hooted Troy.

"Wouldn't you do the same?" I ask. Troy looked shocked by my sudden comeback. He paused for a moment and shrugged. Wow, great friends Randy. They returned to mindless video games. There was a knock on the door. I froze. It must be Randy's dad. Randy went to open it, but I quickly threw some random shoe at his hand.

I locked the door. "...Who is it?" I ask shaking.

"It's Maria. Y/N, what the fuck is going on," said Maria. I sighed in relief. We went to the door, but some voice said for us to wait.

"Maria! Oh, hello Y/N," smiled Randy's dad, "I just wanted to say that i'm so glad that Randy finally has a new friend." I mentally barfed.

"Oh! Yeah, no problem! Y/N has always been a social butterfly!" Maria laughed. She waved goodbye and I just grunted at him. He slapped my ass as I left. I walked faster. Only if the punched killed me.

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