Chapter 5

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Elena's Pov

I went to class, and drove off to work after. I said hi to Mrs. McCall. She introduced me to Boston's nurses , Aidan Waite, Nora Sergeant, and Josh Levison. I introduced my self, and I told them I knew they were werewolf and vampire. I got a blood test from Kenny (bubble boy) and I did other tests.

I was exhausted, I slept over at Derek's and I went to school and hour early! I kissed Scott goodbye after school. I went home and took and long nap just before my work bill came. I went to Nora, Josh, and Aidan's house and realized they have a ghost named Sally living there and she was in limbo! I called Bonnie while Caroline was with Lydia, And Isaac was with Stiles and Scott. Bonnie brought back Sally and all was

In school I thought Lydia was having hiccups but those were gasps. She was having a panic attack! I rushed to her desk next to the new girl Allison, and brought her calm down. I drove her to the hospital to be safe, with Nora. The whole time she was complaining about how she was fine. When I got there everyone was busy. Nora and I took her to my office to make sure she was good and healthy. Then Jackson, Aidan, and Josh came in. I examined Lydia with my gloves and she had a UNcontagious disease. But we could heal her in 3 days.

I healed Lydia again. Scott slept over at my house and we watched T.V. I hoped into the shower getting ready for work. Derek came later to eat dinner with Jenna at my house after I worked. It was a long day. "Hey are you ok? Derek asked, "yah I think" I replied. "No your not" he said, "fine I just didn't have a good day, that's all" I said back and rushed to my room. I called Scott and said "

Elena: hi Scott

Scott : oh hi Elena

Elena : I think we just weren't meant to be

Scott: I figured that's what you were gonna say, ok then, I'll see you at school.

Elena: oh I'm not gonna be at school tomorrow or any other day, I'm moving.

Scott : what! Why!

Elena: Jenna got a job. Bye I've got to go, I'll call you !

Scott: bye I'll text you

And I hung up

• • • • • • • • • • • • •

2 months later

I was walking down the neighborhood when I felt a sharp pain in my heart, I missed them, I missed having fun with Scott, Bonnie, Caroline, Isaac,Derek and everyone else.

I called Scott but no one answered, Scott never not answers his phone. I ran to his house with my speed and he wasn't there. I asked Melissa and she said she hasn't seen him in 3 weeks! And she was getting really worried. I ran and ran as fast as I could and I passed out.

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