Dear Past Self

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Dear past self, you are still alive.
You can't believe it? Well neither can I.
You are still a breathing mass of constellations
And still covered in skin, your bones are your foundation

Dear past self, you are still alive.
You can't believe it? Well, neither can I.
You are still a body of a fighter
And you'll see the light at the end of the tunnel less lighter
You'll fight a battle worth talking about
Because your inner self will finally learn to
Break out

Dear Past self, you are not alone
Someone is gonna walk into your life not just steps over it
Dear Past self, your canvas will no longer be a wrist
You'll learn to paint with the inches of your smile
Your Eyes will broadcast a gallery of masterpieces

You are worth the wait, You are worthwhile

Dear Past self, You will no longer Play the piano on your hips

You'll learn to use your words, Your mouth, and lips

And You Will fight for everyone

You are no longer a little one

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