First Day of Hell

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First Day of Hell

When Rin was finally awake, he kept thinking to himself that what had happened was all a dream. He truly believed that when he opened his eyes that he would be home and Shiro would be there to greet him. A small part of his consciousness knew the truth but he wanted to deny all of it. There was no way he would be willingly to accept what really happened. A world without Shiro wasn't one he wanted to imagine.

However, as Rin slowly opened his eyes, he began to see that everything that had happened really did happen. The prove was the room he was in. This room was definitely not his room, so why was he here? It didn't occur to him that he was in Gehenna, not right away. The teen sat up in his bed and looked around before spotting someone in a chair not too far from the bed had apparently slept in.

"Oh, so you're finally awake, my son," the stranger said as they stood up and approached the bed with a smirk, "You had me worried there for a moment, I thought you weren't ever going to wake up. That would have been such a shame."

Rin looked over at the man in confusion. Who was this stranger and why was he talking to him like he knew him? The teen certainly didn't recognize him and because of that he backed away and glared at him. It became obvious that there was something he was missing, among many of other things.

"Excuse me, but who the hell are you and where is the old man?" Rin asked and rose an eyebrow, getting as far away from the stranger as he possibly could, "If you did something to the old man..."

The newly reborn demon was caught off guard when the stranger erupted in laughter, apparently finding Rin's words hilarious. This only irritated Rin as his glare got colder by the second.

"Assiah has certainly made you naïve, hasn't it? Such a clueless child of mine," Satan tsked before grinning at Rin, "It's no matter, now that you are in your true home, you'll finally learn what you should have learned at birth."

Although the man hadn't said it out loud, Rin was already getting the hint. It was then that he realized that he wasn't home anymore, that's right, because he was dragged down into Gehenna. The very thought made him freeze. If he was in Gehenna than this man must be... No, he couldn't be, could he?

"Assiah? Are you telling me that I'm not there anymore? That I'm..." Rin slowly backed away some more, his feet touching the floor as he wanted to keep a good distance from the man he only assumed was Satan, "Are you saying that all of that actually happened? That I'm in Gehenna?"

The grin on Satans face grew and nodded in response. It would seem that his newly reborn son wasn't as naïve as he previously thought, but he would certainly need some more straightening up. Rin was his son and he could have a child that seemed so weak.

"You would be correct, my son, aren't you happy that you are finally home and reunited with your true father?" Satan said cheerfully as he began to walk around the bed to close the space between the two, but with each step he made his son took two steps back, "There is no need to act like that, Rin, as long as you cooperate, you don't need to be scared of me."

So, this was what Satan looked like? Well, Rin certainly wasn't impressed but at least the old man wasn't possessed anymore. Not that he was around... He could only assume that Shiro was dead. Still, he shook his head stubbornly.

"I don't know what you are talking about because Assiah is where my home is, not here," Rin said as he glared, still trying to keep his distance from his father but there wasn't very much room left. "What did you do to my dad, did you kill him?"

Satan busted out into laughter once more, "I said before I brought you here that I am too powerful for anything in Assiah. Any body that I possess there tends to not last long, so yes, I did kill him. Well, he actually killed himself thinking he would protect you but it was far too late."

When Satan got closer and Rin ran out of space, as if it were a defense mechanism, blue flames erupted, surrounding the newly awakened demon. This, of course, made Rin freak out despite seeing the flames before. His reaction only made the older demon laugh more.

"What do you want from me, Satan, tell me why you have dragged me down here," Rin stuttered as his back was now pinned against a wall, "Whatever your plans are with me, I will have no part in of it, you got it?"

Satan could tell right away that it wasn't going to be easy with Rin. The former had been far too much time in Assiah, and it showed. Either way, now that he had found his son he wasn't going to let him go, ever. Rin was way too important to his plans for that.

"Poor, insolent, child, you've been in Assiah for far too long that you don't know just how great your heritage is..." Satan sighed and once he was close enough, he pinned Rin against the wall, "You, who was born in Assiah, have the ability that rest of us don't have. You can travel around freely in both worlds without even needing a host, I'm envious."

Rin struggled in Satan's grasp. He didn't like the position he was in but it was his fault for getting there in the first place. If only he had the chance to bolt towards the door, but he didn't. Now Satan was face to face with him and quite honestly, he was freaking out.

"So, that's what you want me for, isn't it? You just want to use me so you can go to Assiah, don't you? Well I won't allow it," Rin said as he continued to struggle but it would seem that Satan's grip was only getting tighter each time, "Don't expect to get your way with me."

Normally Satan would be very angry at this point but with this one he had to be very patient with. After all, the boy knew nothing and was most likely only acting in defense. However, there were limits to his patience and Rin was pushing them.

"Since this is your first day, I'll go easy on you but I wouldn't make a habit out of disrespecting me like that, got that?" Satan asked, though his tone sounded a bit more serious than before, "Trust me, you don't want to know what I do to those who disrespect me. Now, as to what my plans are with you, you'll find out only when it's time for you to know. You aren't ready yet."

Satan backed off and once more grinned at Rin before turning towards the door before saying, "I'll be back for you later but do me a favor and don't run off. You would not like it if I had to track you down, trust me on that."

Rin watched silently as Satan left the room and closed the door behind him. For the first time in a very long time, the young demon was scared. Speaking of that... Rin rushed to the closest mirror and looked at himself in the mirror, his eyes widening at the sight.

In his reflection, he could see the large horns that were now sticking out of his head and the blue flames that were surrounding him. He also noticed something a little lower, something in the back, swinging. A tail, he had a freaking tail, which was the only thing he found amusing. He really was a demon...

What was going to happen to him now that he was stuck down here in Gehenna and what was Satan's plans for him?"

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