A New Chapter

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Rin hated being stuck in one room for so long because it was just so boring, even in Gehenna. However, at the same time he wasn't sure if he wanted to see what was outside of this door. Still, until he could find the chance to get away, he was stuck here. There was also the fact that Satan was most likely going to make sure he didn't escape, since he had apparently been trying to get his hands on him for a long time. His 'father' was probably prepared if Rin even tried but that wouldn't stop him, hopefully.

Eventually it was curiosity that got to Rin as he approached the door and turned the knob to open said door. The young demon peeked his head out to look around before fully stepping out of the room and closing the door behind him. He could see that he was standing in a long corridor that had doors almost everywhere. Said corridor was dimly lit, in fact, the only source of light was the torches with the blue flames that were hung on the walls. After standing there a little while, Rin proceeded to turn left and walk down the corridor.

After walking quite a while, Rin could suddenly hear voices from down the hall and he found himself freezing up. None of those voices belonged to Satan but that still didn't stop him from being paranoid. What if Satan had sent someone to guard him or something like that? By now, though, there was no way he would be able to hide as the voices were much closer than they were before.

The two males that had been conversing stopped in their tracks once Rin was in sight but only one of them seemed to be confused. The other one, however, only grinned at the new demon. Recognition then struck Rin, well, sort of. He could have sworn that he'd seen those horns before, what he didn't recognize was the face. There was something about his presence that gave him the sense of familiarity. However, the ram-horned male seemed to know exactly who he was.

"Well, well, it looks like father actually managed to bring you down, eh?" Astaroth chuckled as he advanced towards Rin, only stopping when they were practically face to face, "You know, Lord Satan was furious with me when I came back empty handed... You put me through a whole lot of pain but I guess that's what happens when you've been raised by humans, yeah?"

Rin didn't say a single thing, no, the only thing he did was stand there and stare at Astaroth in confusion. It was only then that he fully realized who he was. Although he had a different face, Rin could now tell that it was Astaroth. That was what he had introduced himself as, right?

Astaroth was irritated at the fact that Rin didn't respond to him. He hated being ignored when he was trying to talk to someone. In a way, it felt as if he were being disrespected. The Demon King of Rot was about to act on his irritation before he was interrupted by the demon who he had previously been talking to, whom looked over at Rin with some sort of childish curiosity.

"Wait, this is the Young Prince you've all been making a big deal about? He doesn't look all that special," The green haired demon muttered before he, too, approached Rin and poked at his chest, "I honestly thought he would he would look much different, huh, how odd. But you sure did take your time coming down here. Maybe now we won't have to deal with all of his complaining..."

It was obvious to Rin that this demon was a little more childish than Astaroth and Satan, which was kind of a nice change but still... He would have preferred not being here but that really didn't matter now, did it? Rin sighed and took a deep breath before finally responding to the two.

"First off, you shouldn't be relieved that I'm here. After all, you were the one that started this whole mess in the first place," Rin snapped as he glared at Astaroth and clenched his fists, "Because of you and that bastard, my father is dead. I don't care how long he's wanted me here because the first chance I get I'll be ditching this place."

As soon as those words slipped out of his mouth, Rin felt instant regret. Honestly, as much as he wanted to blame the two demons for his father's death, it wasn't completely their fault. After all, if Rin hadn't said what he said then maybe Satan wouldn't have possessed Shiro. He was the one who practically invited Satan in...

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