Broken Hearted (Chapter Tweleve)

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Chapter Tweleve


It's been about a month since telling Mayson and things have been great. Joey has left us alone, the baby is getting bigger and we are actually at the doctor's office, waiting to see her and find out the sex of the baby.

"Are you ready for this Princess?" he asked excitedly.

I nodded numbly, I couldn't answer without giving myself away. My stomach has been in knots all day.. but that could just be the baby moving around. I'm not a hundred percent sure.

"Calm down Eliana, you're hurting my hand!" he chuckled lightly.

"Sorry.." I mumbled, loosing my grip. I hadn't even realized I was squeezing that tight.

Mayson was looking over at me, I could just see it, "Stop staring at me!"

"What are you talking about Princess?" he said with a laugh

"I can feel you looking at me, stop it you're making me nervous," I told him as I turned t face him.

"Really?" he said with a raised brow

I sighed and looked down, I don't know what's wrong with me.

"Maybe we should just not find out. You know make it a surprise for the delivery?" I asked hopefully, knowing that Mayson wanted to know all so badly, I just couldn't face it. Knowing the sex of our baby was just going to make everything so real. I'll.. No we'll be having a son or a daughter, and it was scaring me.

He sighed and held my hand, "Eliana, what are you so afraid of? We're parents now, and soon enough we are going to have the baby here whether we're ready or not. You've got to relax and trust me, you know stress isn't good for you and the baby."

I sighed defeated, "It's not about just you or me, it's about OUR family. It's just.. I don't know, maybe you don't get it, but there is a baby inside of me, Mayson. I'm responsible for another person's life. It's scary to think about that sometimes. But you're right, and I'm glad you're still here." I said and kissed him.

"You sure you don't wanna run out on me while you still can."

"No way!" he laughed.

"I love you, you know that right?"

"I love you too Princess."

"Eliana Milner and Mayson Bonnet, Doctor Matthews is ready to see you now. Come on in." the nurse said to us.

Mayson helped me stand up right and we walked.. Well I waddled into the room.

"Just go ahead and take a seat and the doctor will be in with you in a minute." she said with a smile.

"Thank you," I said as she was shutting the door.

"Breathe Princess, it's alright," Mayson said as he gave my hand a reassuring squeeze, with a smile.

"Okay, okay."



"What do you want it to be?"

"Well I was thinking a girl, but then I would have to fight off all the little boys if she looks anything like her mother. Or maybe a boy, they aren't too much trouble... after they grow up." He said laughed. "What do you want, Princess?"

I thought about it for a minute, "I don't know but I just have a feeling that it's a girl. I wouldn't mind having a girl. Actually at this point, I wouldn't mind anything. Just a healthy baby I guess."

"Me too." He said with a kiss, I smiled.

"Good morning Eliana and Mayson." Dr. Matthews greeted us.

"Morning Dr. Matthews." w said in unison.

"How is everything going? Any noticeable changes? Feeling the baby move?"

"The baby moves nonstop, it's like they think it's a playground," I said with a laugh, "and yes, the baby is getting bigger, I've been sleeping a lot lately too."

"Well you don't want to be sleeping too much, you should try some light exercises and walking, it also indues labor."

"I guess we'll have to start working out together, huh Princess?" Mayson said with a chuckle.

"I guess so," I laughed.

"Well lets get down to business, are you ready to find out the sex of your baby?"

"YES!" Mayson said in a hurry, I just laughed an nodded.

No turning back now, I said to myself mentally.

Dr. Matthews called the nurse in to get the ultrasound machine ready and prep me with the gel, it was still as cold as the first time, you never get used to that feeling I guess.

"Okay just take a look at the screen and we'll get started."

"There's the nose, the mouth, the ears.. Ohh, look what we have here!"

"What? What do we have here?" I asked nervously.

"It's looks like you two are the parents to a beautiful, little girl." Dr. Matthews smiled.

A girl, I'm.. No WE'RE going to have a girl. A daughter...

Oh, my baby!

I didn't even realized I was crying until Mayson started wiping my tears away, I stopped him and held his hand. "A daughter baby, we're going to have a daughter!" I couldn't help it so I kissed him. "I love you Mayson."

"Love you too Princess."

"Well lets just listen to her heart beat and take some pictures, then you guys will be all done." Dr. Matthews said with a laugh.

"Okie dokie Doc." I said with a laugh as well.


Mayson decided to take me out for lunch to celebrate, I had no complaints whatsoever because I was starving! We went to his parents restaurant again.

"It looks different in here."

"Yeah my parents wanted a change."

The waiter came to take our orders, "What will you be having this afternoon?"

"Um, I'll just have the Poulet Frites." I told him.

"I'll have what she's having thank you."

"Princess, I was thinking we should, you know... tell my parents about the baby"


"They are going to be grandparents, and I'm sure you've told your parents. Or they've at least noticed. And my parents want to meet you."


"," he said quietly.


"They're coming.." he said as he looked up and over my shoulder.

"They're going to hate me, I'm knocked up with their sons baby. Just great Mayson, just great." I whisper-yelled.

"No they won't, they'll love you, I know them."

"I'm so dead." I muttered to myself.

Good job Eliana, you fell for the food trap and he dropped the bomb on you, good job.

"Mom, dad, this is Eliana.... and that's our daughter..."





Thanks for reading loves ♥

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