Campus crush ONE

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--Your Pov--

It's your first day in your new college and your extremely nervous. You know absolutely no one who goes there and your scared you won't make any friends.

You were already late and still couldn't find your class.You were even more nervous then before,you thought your reputation was already recked. You were wondering the halls until you heard a voice from behind,"You must be lost".
You blushed in embarrassment.
"Yeah it's my first day."You said anxiously.
He replied "It's ok I was like that too,last year."
"Oh,my names Colby by the way and you?"
"(Y/n)"you said.

He took your schedule,then lead you to your class.
"Here we are"Colby exclaimed.
You thanked him then expecting him to leave.
Colby sat down. The (t/n) introduced you to the class. You were still so nervous.
" Ok (y/n) you can sit beside Colby,it already seems like you got to know him."(t/n) said
"It's no-"
You try to explain.
"Just sit" (t/n) said a little aggressively.
You survived your first  class,with Colby helping you with each step.
Colby met you at your dorm.
"So did it hurt"he said.
You looked at him with confusion.
"When you fell from heaven" Colby joked.
You both giggled,then headed to your next class.
This class was band, you loved music and making it. It's just you couldn't concentrate,your mind was filled with Colby and his cheesy pick up line. You tried to focus,but he was the only thing you were thinking about.The only thing you wanted to think about.
Before you knew it it was already the end of your first day. You were happy and exhausted,just wanting to go and rest.
Colby stopped at your dorm.
You hear a knock.

"Um (y/n) can I talk to you?"
He asked.

"Yeah,sure what about?"

"Uh,do you want to hang out tonight"
He said hesitantly.

You answered with a smile and a polite "sure".
Later that night you and Colby were in his dorm watching a movie. You were still tense from thinking of him so much.

His arm slowly reached around your shoulder.
Your heart was racing.
He was reaching for something,not you but the bowl of popcorn.
You blushed in embarrassment,thinking he was going to make a move.
When he finished eating the popcorn you made  eye contact and he gave you a flirtatious look. You were mesmerized by his ocean blue eyes.He reached his arm around you this time held you tight. You getting red and flustered. But sinking into his arms. His grip on you made you feel safe and warm,you didn't want him to let go.

Time passed and you woke up with your head in Colby's lap. "Have a good nap,sleeping beauty"
He said jokingly. You both laughed.

~~~later that day~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Ok class,today we will be learning how to work the camera. But first I will introduce you to some new students joining your class."(t/n) says.
"(F/n) will now be in your class get used it."
The class chuckled.

You yelled in excitement,but still stayed pretty silent. How is this possible you were thinking.You ran up to (f/n) and hugged him.
You could see Colby,getting a little annoyed but still keeping his cool.
After the class was over you introduced (f/n) to Colby,they got along but Colby seemed a little jealous. He hugged you then headed to his next class. You hugged him back. You said your byes to (f/n) and followed Colby,to your next class.

Before you and Colby entered your next class he swiftly turned around,slid one hand onto your hips other on your waist. His warm hands comforted you. He pulled you in closer,leaned
in and whispered something in your ear.

To be continued....

Colby Brock fanfiction  Part 1Where stories live. Discover now