You enter a new school it's your your first day and your already lost. Your just wondering the halls until someone helps you find your way. You found a new friend,and maybe even more. You're loving school for what it has to offer and the people ther...
You turn slowly to face the door with your eyes still closed. You hear something quite like a whisper. "(Y/n),(y/n)!" You open your eyes slowly. "Mom?"You said confused. "Did Sam and Colby leave?" "Who". Your mom said worried. They were sleeping on the couch. "Um,no one is on the couch.But any ways you're going to be late for school come on hurry up." You almost started to cry. You realized It was the middle of the week and you just wanted to go back to bed. It was a dream? You thought beginning to tear up. A couple minutes later you got over it then started to get ready. You wore a blue crop top with black high waisted leggings and an oversized cardigan. You wore a little bit of makeup with a winged liner.Adding your converse too. Your mom offered to drive you to school,so you agreed. "Are you ok (y/n)?" Your Mom said with concern. "You've been awfully quiet." "Yeah I'm just a bit tired,been thinking too much." But really you've just been thinking too much about your dream. Sam and Colby. That girl at the hotel. Hiking with them,going to that hotel. Why couldn't of that been real? You sighed. When you got to school you closed the car door and waved goodbye to your mom. You liked being to school early so you could hang out with your friends in the cafeteria. It was a time you could talk to your friends and not care about anything. To get away,is one way to put it. Your free time was coming to the end until you had to got to class. You gathered your stuff then the bell had rung. (F/n) had asked you to go to the band room with them to put away their instrument so you went along. You walked them to their locker then went to yours. Now that you had all of your books from your locker you were going to head to class,until you felt a tap on your shoulder. You turn around. "Um,hi, sorry to bother you but do you know where room 18 is?" "Yeah, let me show you". You said with confidence. On your way to room 18 you noticed something familiar about this guy. You had glanced back at him far too many times. All he did was smile back and blush a little. You didn't get it right away but then it struck you. He was the guy from your dream. "Here we are." You said stuttering,from the realization. "Thank you so much,it's my first day" He said fixing his gorgeous hair. Before he could walk into his class you quickly asked him "Um,so I never got your name" He replied giggling "My name's Colby,Colby Brock. He winked at you then walked into his class. You left with a huge smile on your face. Now meeting the hottest guy in your school. And the guy of your dreams.
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Thanks for reading 😜 I might do one about Sam next. Plz feel free to give me ideas.