ch 4

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I hate school .
No I actually don't hate school.
There is nothing so exciting about my life that I really love.
I entered my class room thinking about the whole things happened to me till now . I took my seat on the last row that I found empty.

I put out my notebooks to complete my physics work. After few minutes ducks had crowded the class.

Thank god our physics teacher is on leave I don't really want to sit here . I took my books and rush towards my secret place. Its a large tree behind our cafeteria.
I always visit this place when I feel like crying.

I was jolting words on my diary when someone tried to take it out of my hand.

Hell those bullshit girls I hate them from core of my heart.
I wrote some lines or say free verses (in pic above)then I close my eyes and rested my head on my lap to feel comfortable.

"Are you okay?" Someone questioned me .

Without even looking up I shouted on the top of my lungs "and why do you care."

And after that I heard footsteps going away from me.

Why I have to do that. Why I behave like this when someone try to be nice to me . I am such a dumbo.

I don't want any complications in my life but they are closer to me than anything else.

After my school was over I thought of going to nearby park .
I bought myself some chips and sit on the chair located at the corner.

After watching random people doing shitty things my gaze stop at one person.

What is Aarau doing here?
I thought for a few seconds whether I go to him or not but I give up on myself.

I took a glance at my watch. its half an hour more before my tuition start . it would be better if I thank him for that night.
I am not a cruel girl anyways. I took small steps towards him and repeated the words I have to say but you know what happens when you come face to face .

"Hi" I said as low as possible to get his attention facing his back towards me.
He was probably too busy in talking with his friend that he didn't hear me.

So I just patted on his back to let my presence known to him.

"Hi" I said again, This time more energetically.

"Oh! Why are you shouting . my ear is working perfectly" he shoot me the bitterest glance he could give.


"Well , you know about that night right . so I wanna thank you for your kind help"I said while rethinking what I have said a thousand times in my brain.

"Well you owe me. So you have to pay for that" he smirked.

"Sorry, I didn't understand"
Does he thinks he is great or something

"I know you are greatest dumb fellow on earth ."

How dare he say this to me.

"Fine,I will help you whenever you are in problem . is that okay ?"

"Actually ,not"
"Its not enough."

"I want something else" he said with his damn smoky eyes.

I tried to ignore the fact what he is trying to say. What bother me most is the guy who was listening to our conversations most keenly as if he have to report it to his boss.

"We will talk about it later" he said with cold look in his eyes.

What's so hiding about it.

"Okay,fine then."

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