Interview with Kissmyoops3

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1. Username?


2. How did you find out about Wattpad?

A few authors on Quizilla

3. What was the first thing you wrote? Is it here on wattpad?

I wrote a crummy novel about a girl in an all boys school. I don't remember the title, and no, it's not here xD I don't even know if it's up online anymore xD

4. Do any of your friends or family read your writing? If so how do you feel about this?

Nah, no one does.

5. When you come up with a good idea do you write it down, or start a new book?

I debate on it for a little while, fool around with a possible plot. If I have anything then I try out a few chapters. If I like them, I keep going

6. How often do you come up with and idea?

All the time. Almost everything sparks something that could be a story, or could be used in one I'm currently writing xD

7. What's the best piece of advice you've gotten from somebody about writing?

Good one. . . Probably, "It's your story and you write it how you want to. Screw what other people think."

8. Is there anything you want to say to the viewers?

I love you guys& don't give up hope on your writings just because a few people don't read. It's stupidly hard to get noticed on here and just because you're not, doesn't mean you're a bad author.

Now I'm going to ask you a couple random questions so your fans can get to know you.

9. What's your favorite color?


10. What's your favorite movie?

Saw [the original]

11. Do you have a favorite actor or actress?

Probably.... hmm.... Zach Galifianakis [Alan from the Hangover]

12. What's your favorite wattpad book?

I don't have a favorite ^.^ I love too many!

13. What's your favorite nonwattpad book?

Hush Hush.

14. Do you have a favorite wattpad author?

I can't say xD

15. Do you have a favorite nonwattpad author?

And J.K.Rowling fo sho.

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