I woke up in my bathroom with some guys shirt on. my bathroom reacted of throw up. I had a major headache. so I got up and walked to my kitchen to get an aspirin and a drink of water. I just stood there in the kitchen by the sink. waiting. and still waiting. (omg saying that in your head slowly and mysteriously sounds funny).
I splashed some water on my face so I could wake up faster. after I did I noticed my level was trashed. so I started to pick stuff up. first kitchen then I worked my way to the foot room. there were a lot off bottles of vodka Malabo beer and jack Daniels. I filled one trash bag then started down the hall to the first bedroom. I didn't think about it till I saw there might be other people here and there was. I quickly closed the door. I didn't dare to open the next one so I went to my room. Katy was on my bed with 2 random guys I didn't know. Logan wasn't in the room but in the bathroom. in the bathtub.
He looked so cute sleeping in the tube. I just giggled and laid next to him in the tube. I knew he was awake when he warped his arms around my waist and nuzzled his head in my neck.
"Morning" he said and kissed my neck.
"Hi" I said and scouted closer to him. he was so warm compared to my floor.
"Are you hungry?" I asked him feeling a little bad about last night even though I don't remember any of it.
"Yeah but I'm to comfy to let you go cook" he said sleppily like.
"The sooner we feed these people the sooner we get my level back." I said slowly moving and he let me go. he pouted in the proses. but I kissed his check and got out of the bathroom and headed to the kitchen.
"So do you remember anything last night?" Logan asked.
"Only us taking 8 maybe 9 shots" I said as I pulled the bacon and eggs out of the fridge. "what about you?" I asked looking at him. he just smirked.
"Well you kept begging me to take you to bed and have my way with you" he kept that smirk as I blushed. "then Katy dragged the two guys in here and you got made that she took your bed and we went to a different room and you tried to get me to help you take that dress off but I wouldn't. so I went back to your room and pulled a shirt from my bag out and came back to you and you were on the couch drinking away. I helped unzip the dress and you changed and started to throw up. then you feel asleep next to me." he said looking at me up and down.
"Quite checking me out." I said playfully.
"I'm sorry but you look so damn sexy in my shirt." he said as he sat on a stool watching me.
"So why didn't you have your way with me?" I asked.
"Because I was pissed at you" he said looking mad.
"What did I do?" I asked looking at the ground.
"You almost got the cops called on you for being to intoxicated. then you started to cuss me out for taking a bottle away and started to throw things at me." he told me in an upset voice.
I walked over to him and sat on his lap "I'm so so so sorry." I said as I put my head on his chest. I could hear his heart beat at a slow steady pace. "Was I really that big of a dish hole to you?" I asked.
"Yes but you were drunk and wasn't thinking straight" he said and kissed my forehead.
"Oh my gosh that smells so good I had to throw up!!" Katy said as she came in the kitchen.
"Well feed your boyfriends and go to your level befor your mom finds you." I told her.
"They left. I also kicked whoever was is your other rooms out too. I also started the landry and put your sheets in the washer." Katy said as she shoved food in her mouth.
"Thanks" I said and got me and Logan a plait of food.