we're not humans

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After Katy left, Logan and I started to clean. We had like 4 bags full of trash. The livingroom was mostly clean my 2 extra rooms were clean and beds were made. All bathrooms were clean.

"We should finish cleaning." Logan said. Logan and i where laying on my bed. we where horizontal. my head was close to his and if i turned my head he could feel my breath on his face.

"im to tiered to clean. we've been cleaning all morning and its only 2. can we just call it good?" i asked being a winny little ass.

"no Lilly we have to clean so we can move my stuff in." Logan said turning his head so i could feel his breath on my face. it was so warm. i could have fallen asleep. but i didnt trust Logan very much.

"fine" i wined and sat up. "you can clean in here and ill get the kitchen." i said and started to leave when Katy came in with me sheets and blankets.

"you can give those to me" Logan said and she handed them to him. then he wentt back to the room.

"so what happened with your mom?" i asked. as we went to the kitchen.

"i didn't tell her i had a threesome. but i did tell her i had fun and your bed is really comfortable." she said as she sat on the island in the kitchen.

"i love my bed." i sad as i did the dishes.

"Logan said you got pissed off when you saw me in your bed." Katy said and looked down.

"its fine. i slept in the bathtub. witch surprisingly was comfortable." i said as i put the clean dishes away.

"Katy!!!" i heard ant Del yell.

"ugh. she wants me to leave you guys alone." Katy explained. witch made me giggle.

"we can hang out tomorrow. we'll watch a movie or something." i told her and she nodded and hugged me goodbye and left. then Drake came in.

"we have some alpha papers to do today." Drake said and was looking at his phone.

"ugh. fine Logan and i will be down in 10 minutes." i said and watched him leave.

i walked back to my room to see Logan trying to put the sheet back on my bed. he would have one corner done then he would move a different corner but the one that was done would come undone. witch made me laugh my ass off.

"whats so funny?" Logan asked as he glared at me.

"you know its kinda sexy seeing you try putting that on." i said after i had my laugh attack.

"well i bet you would look a lot more sexy doing it for me." he said with a smirk on his face.

"why don't we both do it and be sexy together" i said as i tried to get the stupid dirty thoughts out of my head. we then started to get it on when Logan graded my waist and layed us down.

"Logan we have stuff to do." i said as he sat on me. then he pulled my shirt up so it only exposed my belly and rib cage. he held my hands above my head.

"well they can wait a few more minutes." he said and lightly drew circles on my ribs with his finger. it left goose bumps all over my body. then he started to tickle me. and i just laughed and i couldn't  breath.

"Logan.... please..... stop...." i said between laughter. he stopped and looked me in the eye. i still loved those eyes.

"do you think we're going to fast?" Logan asked and got off me and sitting next to me. he played with his hands and didn't look at me. not one glance.

"if we were humans yes. but we're no humans and i want to be yours and only yours." i told him as i sat up and put my hands on his hands. i felt that electronic shook go throw my body. that shook that i love so much was still there and i hoped it would never leave me. but it dose when Logans not touching me. when he hadn't had a hand on me i would feel lost and alone .

"will you let me mark you?" he asked looking up at me. i could tell it was his wolf asking and not Logan.

i pulled his hand to my lips and lightly kissed it " tonight, but right know we have alpha business to dill with." i whispered and he growled.

i started to walk to the elevator when 2 huge arms wraped around my waist and stopped me from going in.

"Logan. we really have important stuff to do. we cant play." i said as he nuzzeled  his head in my neck.

"your still wearing my shirt" he said and slid his hands under and placed his warm hands in my hips and pulled me closer.

"well what if I like wearing you shirt and want to wear it all day?" I said and swayed my hips. He just growled witch I thought was sexy.

"but I don't want otherguys looking at what's mine" he growled and I turned and faced him.

"i'm yours and only yours. So can I please just wear it for today?l I begged. With a puppy dog face.

he glared at me then said "fine, but I get to take it off later".

"fine by me" I said and I walked to the elevator swaying my hips. I heard Logan growl at me but not a bad way like in a sexual way. I giggled at that. We had to go to level 4 were my office was.

Once I walked in every one who was in the room stood. I nodded to Drake who told the rest to sit. Logan and I walked to a large table and sat.

"ok so i'm new at this so your gonna have to bear with me here." I said and I got really nervous. some just smirked and some just looked down at the table.

"so first things first we need to introduce ourself." Said one man who I guessed was around his 20. He was tall but Logan was taller. He was muscular as well. He was wearing black skinny jeans and a black v nick t shirt that made him look cute but Logan was sexy and i'm gonna compare him to every guy I see or meet.

"i'm Jordan." The guy said and Logan growled. So I laced my fingers with Logan and calmed him down.

"so Jordan what do you do?" I asked Jordan.

"i'm the border leader. I tell all the other guys who's on border watch." Jordan said.

"that's cool" I said. then he sat back down.

"i'm Sara. And i'm the chef" Sara said.

"so you cool all the packs food?" I said.

"yeah unless you buy or order your food." She said.

The rest of the meeting was like that. All the important people was there and told us what they needed and what was going on.

Jordan was the border watch

Sara was the chef

Cristin was the packs doctor

Martin was the money man (he told them how much there aloud to spend)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2014 ⏰

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