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I remember waking up, after the shock. There was no light, only darkness. Voices echoed in my head.


Oh my goodness..
This can't be happening.

The Red King is dead!!

Get them to the hospital wing!!

They were memories.

I sat up, and it felt like I was in a bed. Then, my vision came back on.

Came back on.

That doesn't happen when you're dead.

"Sir, you're awake."

"You must get to your command, everyone is waiting!"

Female voices spoke to me. I was rushed out of this bed, and it looked like I was in the same clothes as I was when I died. I was brought into the hallway, and it looked like the castle.

"What's going on?" I spoke.

"Sir, isn't it obvious?"

"No..!" I was pushed down to the doors of the terrace of the castle where the Red King stood during his important announcements.

"I know this seems like a lot to take in, but you were naturally the next in line."

Next in line.

"Where's the King?" I had to see Tord. I had to ask him what was going on, because, one, the second never gave announcements, and two, I thought we were both dead.

I thought my shock killed us both.

But, I was wrong.

I hope you enjoyed my story.

The story about how I met a smart boy in school. How I fell in love with him. How he took over the world, and made me his second in command.

But, most importantly, how I killed him on accident, and because the second ever King of the World.

Because, I would never be equal with Tord, not in any reality.

I'll always be his second. It's been my destiny this whole time.

Now, I am Thomas Thompson, the second King of the World.


thanks for reading omg this was so much fun to type
I hope y'all enjoyed :)

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