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“No no no no NO!! Where is it? This can not be happening!"  Today is the best day of my life and I lost my ticket !! Kms! “ Relax little mama it's right here. Geez why you gettin' so worked up over some lil o'l ticket?” I know he didn't just say that.

“ Little o' ticket are you serious right now that is my ticket to New York!!”

Jesus Lord why did I have to be cursed with a twin brother? I'm glad I'm leaving town for good. No more staying back cause of my mama she gone now.  Rest in peace mama.  I'm leaving this town in Tennessee to go to the great city of New York. “ Amara if you don't hurry your ass up I'm leaving!" "Alright I'm coming..Who gots  your panties in a twist wait nevermind I know exactly who." "Shut it and get in the car."

During the car drive my very annoying brother kept pecking at my fat thighs and playing ''Don't Stop Believin"   The whole way there on blast. When we finally arrived I gave him a big hug he smelled like sweating pits and tobacco  but I was going to miss him. I got my  bags from the trunk and knew this is where my life began. My flight was at three and it was two-forty-five so that means I had 15 minutes to get something to eat ,like yogurt,use the bathroom and wait for the announcement to come on. I went to a Starbucks and got a yogurt parfait and a latte, quickly went to the toilet then 5 minutes later my flight announcement came on I am filled with anxiety! New York here I come.

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