Chapter 6

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I wake up to my alarm blaring at me. Usually I just turn it off and go to sleep but then it dawns on me. 'F*ck it's September 4th first day back at school'.

I share a room with a girl called Stephanie. She's actually a really good friend of mine. Great she's still sleeping, guess I have to wake her up.

I scream "STEPH!" extremely loudly right next to her ear and she almost falls out the bed in surprise.

"Jeez, Krystal! You could have just told me to get up instead of breaking my ear drums. You're so annoying, sometimes I don't know why I'm your friend." She says with mixed tones of annoyance and sarcasm.

"Awww come on you love me really" I say in the most innocent yet teasing voice I can muster.

"Whatever. You're just lucky I tolerate you."  Stephanie says rolling her eyes as she does.

We go down to get some breakfast but to be honest I feel to sick to eat. The thought of going back to school makes me want to throw up. I just have a piece of toast because otherwise I actually will vomit out of sheer disgust for school.

We get ready and leave but not before I make some horrid comment about my uniform to Steph. Yep you heard right, uniform. It's mandatory at basically all schools in England and I hate it. An ugly ass shirt with a horrid grey pleated skirt to match, top it all off with an itchy, hideous blazer and that's my uniform.

"Urgh" I sigh as we leave. F*ck my life. F*ck school.

When we get there I hear a familiar voice whisper  "hey, babe. How was your summer?" in my ear.

I turn around to see my handsome as hell boyfriend. His name's Kai and he is actually one of the better guys I've dated because as well as being hot he's sweet towards me. Most guys like him aren't. He is quite self centred though and a bit arrogant. I know I won't end up with him but, hell, who cares right now, I'm in my last year of school I've got my whole life to worry about that crap. Also if you haven't guessed, yes, he is a 'bad boy'.

"Well I'm sure you know I saw you like three days ag-" I'm saying but he cuts me off with a passionate kiss. Damn he's a good kisser.

When we break the kiss I tell Steph I'll meet her later and walk to class with Kai (I already have my time table as they emailed them to us a week ago).

Now you might not believe me but I'm actually quite smart and do good in school. I want to study medicine at university so I'm taking maths, further maths, chemistry and biology for A-level.

Kai drops me off at maths (I don't mind this subject, I actually quite like it but I'd never let anyone know that. I'd probably be called a nerd or a geek and my school reputation would be ruined) and walks to his lesson. I don't know what it is as we haven't discussed our timetables, also he doesn't even know what he's going to do with his life so he's taking a mixture of subjects for A-level.

We're just going over the foundations for the year in class so it's pretty boring and I zone out. I start to picture my family in my mind, thinking what they are doing right now. Most of all I think of my sister, Solis, we were such great friends and it kills me inside not being able to talk to her.

I clutch the small, engraved (with my family name), golden locket, hidden under my shirt, in my hands. (I never let anyone see this pendant, in fact no one knows that it even exists, just a safety precaution.) I think of my family a lot but not because I miss them, well I do miss my siblings but not my parents, but because I'm curious as to what they have done with their lives and how the magical world is faring.

I flash back to reality and see that everyone has left the classroom and I'm just sitting there like an idiot. 'Shit' i think 'I'm going to be late for period 2'.

I run down the corridor at top speed, bumping into a couple year 7's along the way. Luckily I'm only a few minutes late so I mange to sit down and unpack just before my chemistry teacher walks in.

The rest of the day speeds past, nothing eventful happened except for some poor year 7's walking into our double chemistry lesson because they got lost. I actually felt a bit bad for them because our school is pretty big but I can't let anyone know that, I have to keep my reputation. That may sound stupid to you but at this school your reputation is everything, it's vital and you can't damage it unless you want to be a social outcast. That may sound harsh and it is but that's high school for you.

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