Chapter 7

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The week has past and nothing has happened except for my horrid biology teacher giving us a massive project due Monday. I swear the amount she gave us is just plain evil, it's going to take minimum 8 hours and we only got it on Tuesday.

Oh I almost forgot one thing did happen. On Wednesday Kai and I broke up. I don't seem upset because I'm not. I knew it wouldn't last long and to be honest I was getting a bit bored of him. So I'm officially a single Pringle. Did I just say that? Shit, let's pretend I didn't, okay? Good.

Anyway I spent my whole Saturday doing that project if she doesn't give me a good grade I will actually murder her.

I wake up on Sunday feeling exhausted. As I'm eating breakfast when Steph jumps up behind me and yells "KRYSTAL!" at the top of her lungs.

"F*cking hell Steph you nearly gave me a heart attack!"

"That's payback for Monday" she says with an evil yet satisfied grin spreading across her face. "Anyway, I've got a date tonight and your coming shopping with me right now, no excuses. "

"Who's the guy?" I ask, genuinely curious

"I'll tell you after going shopping." she promises.

"Fine" I say in a displeased voice. "If we're going, we're going now."

Within ten minutes we are out the door and on the bus to town.

We spend hours shopping and Steph tries on dress after dress in I don't know how many stores. After about three dreadful hours she finally finds one she likes. It's a gorgeous blue satin dress with mesh sleeves imbedded with sparkling sapphire like crystals.

"Okay, now I've helped you find a dress who's the guy?" I ask.

"You'll find out when you meet him" she says quickly as she tries to make her words slip my mind.

"Wait, what?!" I demand

"Um.... it's kinda a double date" Stephanie sheepishly whispers.

"Oh hell no. When were you going to tell me about this?!" My temper is rising as the words flow out of my mouth sharply.

"Well you are single now so why not?" She asks, more confidence rising in her voice.

"Because.....well......maybe I don't want to!" I snap at her the frustration obvious in my tone.

"I don't give a flying crap what you want. I want to go on this date so please be a good friend and help me out." As she says this I can sense the genuine tone of her voice and it calms me down.

"Fine" I give in. "But you owe me." I sneak in.

"Whatever. Yay. Common we've got to get you s nice dress before all the shops shut. Hurry!" Steph exclaims

Two hours later I finally find a dress Stephanie approves of, it's actually beautiful. A rich indigo colour, tight fitting, about half way to my knees and it has a slight shimmer in the light. Steph has amazing taste.

As soon as we get back Steph demands me to get ready. I decide that my hair should be down and curled. As usual I hold my locket and think of the hairstyle I'm imagining, within seconds my hair is done to the finest precision.

A few hours later we're ready to leave. Great, let's get this over with.

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