The Nitram X Grub Reader

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  Tavros POV

I was walking home after visiting gamzee, in the cold rain. I didn't know it was going to rain so I didn't bring an umbrella. On the walk home, I heard small quiet skree's. "uH, wHO'S THERE?" I walked over to the skrees only to see a grub. "a GRUB?" I trembled slightly as I reach out to pick up the grub. Once I pick up the grub, they started to skree like crazy. I flinched at the skrees and I gently pet their hair. They seemed to calm down a bit and they turn their head to face mine. We stared at each other for a while until they sneezed. I flinched and moved the grub close to my chest. I ran home as fast as my metal legs will let me. Once I got home, I was greeted with 2 voices "Yo Tavros, who's w1th you?" "So you pa1led w1thout tell1ng us?" My whole face turned dark brown at what Summoner said. I was about the speak until I heard the grub squeak. I looked at the grub and they stared at Rufioh and Summoner with curiosity.

Your POV

I stared at the 2 winged trolls with curiosity. I reached my feelers towards them and squeaked. The troll who was holding me handed me to the troll with a bone jacket. The one with the bone jacket made a weird face and slowly pet my hair. I saw the other winged guy and the one who was holding me talk in a hushed tone. The winged troll's face turned to shock and slightly horror "Who would leave th1s sweetheart out on the1r own?" The older troll said out loud as he petted my back. I started to purr quietly at the affection and I stared at all 3. I squeaked and the one with the metal legs said "uH, wELCOME TO THE FAMILY" I smiled and kept purring   

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