The Makara X Grub Reader

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  Gamzee's Pov

I was outside in the rain, walking around. I had my usual lazy smile. I was looking at the way the rain slides down from the reddish-green leaves until something else caught my attention. A (B/C) grub. I started to walk over to it slowly then I gently picked up the grub and once i picked them up, I started to make loud 'Skrees'. I panicked and started to pet their hair, avoiding the horns of course. The little grub started to calm down and turned around to look at me.They skreed happily and cuddled into my hand. I smiled slightly and held her close to my chest. I started to head back to home.

Your Pov

I slowly started to wake up then I looked around the room I was in. It was a deep purple color and I was on a soft thing that had polka dots on it. I felt like I was being watched and so I looked around the room to see who was watching me. I can eye to eye...well, 2 pair eyes. We had a some sort of staring contest until one of them started to do hand movements which confused me. I heard a relaxed voice above "I fOuNd HeR aT tHe MoThErFuCkIN' pArK. CaN wE mOtHeRfUcKiN' kEeP HeR?" I heard a voice from the other troll that was beside the guy who did hand movements. "WaS iT MOTHERFUCKIN' aLoNe?"The person above me nodded. The other troll then said "YoU cAn MOTHERFUCKIN' KeEp HeR...bUt I'm NoT tAkInG cArE oF tHe MOTHERFUCKER". The troll who did the hand movements gave a small smile and so did the man above me "ImMa MoThErFuCkiN' cAlL yOu (NaMe). AlSo, WhAt Do YoU wAnT tO mOtHeRfUcKiN' dO?"  

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