Chapter 1: Witch-Hunt

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Tuesday, October 18
6:57 p.m.
High above in Earth's atmosphere, a giant satellite facility was under construction. It's span measured more than one-hundred meters long. Solar panels were installed in all possible sides to provide solar energy to run on. 

   Within the station itself, a docking bay was constructed to hold numbers of able crafts. All were docked properly and orderly throughout. While crew members carried with the construction, soldiers marched in files to ensure all goes to plan.

   The construction crewmen's attire consists of space outfits designed for easy access to the exterior of the station.

   A few levels above the docking bay, a room with glass windows allows the lower levels to be viewed.

   Inside the room was none other than Warstrom Leader, Amanda Walller, overviewing the facility's process. To keep her company were Task Force X members Deadshot, Harley Quinn, Captain Boomerang, Bronze Tiger, Electrocutioner, Enchantress, Shimmer, and Clock King.

  "Why've we been broughten to your Death Star, Waller? I can imagine it's important." Deadshot asked, standing near the window as he glanced at Waller.

"Before I answer you, Mr. Lawton, allow me to congratulate you and the rest of Task Force X for the successful strike on the Justice League's nest." Waller said, crediting the Suicide Squad for their work.

  "As well as for bringing us what could be the most valuable asset. The Flash." 

   The Suicide Squad remained calm, although surprised to receive praise. Then, Amanda Waller changed subject. "Now, the reason I had all of you brought here was for a mission."

  "What sort of mission we're talkin' 'bout here, Waller?" Captain Boomerang snickered.

   Amanda Waller frowned at Boomerang, changing her gaze to view out through the window. "Well, Digger, a little story's in order to better understand your assignment."

  "Let's label it a witch-hunt. You see, there's a witch in a Kaznian castle, Queen Audrey." The Wall began to narrate. "And this witch has done nothing but curse her people to follow her orders."

  "She's been filling their heads with lies and deceits. And all we want to do is free the people from her awful ways. And that's were you come in."

   Deadshot raised a brow from under his mask. "So just because this queen is against your ideals, she's got to go?" Deadshot was somewhat against the idea.

   Amanda frowned. "Precisely. Also, she's been keeping communication with the League. I hope you're not having second thoughts, Mr. Lawton."

Deadshot didn't reply. On the other hand, Clock King was excited. "How vonderful! Finally has zee chance to kill zat miststück of Audrey."

"Save the excitement, Tockman. How'll we get there?" Electrocutioner asked, crossing his arms as he waited for an answer.

"There's a ship waiting for you down at the hangar. Once there, the captain shall fill you in on how it's going to be carried. Understood?"

The Suicide Squad remained silent as Waller chuckled. "Good, now be off." Amanda dispatched the team so they could complete their given task.

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