Chapter Twenty

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"How are you feeling?" Stormfall meowed. Lately, she had been feeling a little sick after a couple of weeks. She thought of how happy she had been to see Nettlepaw become Nettleshade. Shadestar coughed.

"It's just a cough, Stormfall  I'm alright."

"You should see Aspenberry or Shimmerleaf." He insisted. "You've been coughing all day. Please?" The gray tom licked her shoulder. He was too sweet for words. Shadestar coughed again and she nodded reluctantly.

"Alright, I'll go see her." She meowed after her coughing was done.

"Thank you." He nuzzled her. "I'll wait here for you, when you're done. I have to organize a hunting patrol also. " he told her. She nodded and padded out of her den and into the medicine den.

"Aspenberry? I have a cough. Do you have anything that could help me out?" Shadestar asked her.

"Hmmm, some coltsfoot should help clear that up." She meowed, giving her some herbs "If not, come see me again, alright?" She asked as Shadestar lapped up the herbs.

"Alright. Thanks."

"Shadestar, there's nothing in the warrior code against a leader having kits." Aspenberry meowed. "I know you've thought about it, Shadestar. I just wanted you to know that."

"Thank you..." Shadestar meowed, feeling hope surge underneath her pelt. If it wasn't against the warrior code, maybe it would be alright if she did have kits! Stormfall was leaving camp with a hunting patrol. Shadestar's tail drooped.

"Wow! It's so great being a mentor!" Oakbriar bounded over to here interrupting her thoughts. "Badgerpaw is so energetic and eager to learn! He caught his first mouse today."

"Really, that's great! I'm proud!" She meowed happily. The two sisters smiled at each other and pressed their foreheads together, purring happily.

The two broke apart and they sat down and looked at the clan.

Rowanpetal and Ravenfeather were reinforcing the warriors den, as there was a breeze getting through. Smokeshine and Cinderclaw were helping out with the elders. Echofoot was in the nursery with her second litter growing inside her. Graywhisker brought in a fresh piece of prey for her.

"This is great, isn't it?" Shadestar meowed happily. "I mean, it's almost greenleaf and there's peace. ThunderClan and ShadowClan don't have as much tension now, and I have Stormfall" She meowed.

"I know! And I have my first apprentice! It's great teaching him to be a warrior!" Oakbriar meowed. "And Stormheart is helping me out too." Shadestar nodded. This was great.


"It's okay for you to have kits." Aspenberry's words echoed in her dream. There were tiny shapes squirming all over her and mewling her name over and over and over again until she woke up with a start. She stood up and then immediately sat back down. She sighed heavily.

Shadestar  flopped over on her side. It was the middle of greenleaf and she was miserable as her stomach was constantly doing flips. She didn't feel like getting up right now, as she felt horrible. Oakbriar poked her head in with Stormfall

"Shadestar ? What's wrong?" Oakbriar walked in. "Oh my dear StarClan! You're expecting kits!" Oakbriar meowed excitedly. Shadestar looked up.

"Wait what?" Shadestar meowed scrambling to her paws. She had felt a little swollen but she didn't even think of the possibility that she was pregnant. But it turns out she was. "I am?"

"Trust me, I know. I had kits, remember. Quick, we need to get you to Aspenberry. " she meowed.

"I'm going to ba a father!" Stormfall was glowing with happiness  And Shadestar muzzled him before she left her den and went to see Aspenberry. Stormfall tagged along.

"I'm expecting kits!" Shadestar meowed excitedly. Aspenberry' eyes lit up with happiness as Shimmerleaf bounded over and immediately started feeling her belly.

"They're moving! Oh this is great! New kits!" She meowed. Aspenberry laughed and Stormfall licked her ears. Oakbriar purred loudly.

"We should tell the clan!" He announced. Shadestar nodded happily. The medicine cat den was filled with the sound of happy purrs. Shadestar bounded out of the den, Stormfall, Oakbriar, Shimmerleaf, and Aspenberry behind her.

"Gather for a Clan meeting!" Shadestar yowled, and the clan gathered around, looking up with curiosity. "Me and Stormfall are expecting kits!" She said excitedly. Most of the cats looked really happy, while a few, Graywhisker, Dustclaw, and Mudpelt seemed uneasy and a little put off by the announcement.

"How are you supposed to lead the clan when you have kits?" Dustclaw stepped forward. Shadestar  narrowed her eyes. Echofoot stepped in front of him.

"There is nothing in the warrior code that says a leader cannot bear kits!" Echofoot raised her hackles. "And who are you to question our leader!"

"Medicine cats can't have kits!" Dustclaw spoke up for Mudpelt.

"She's not a medicine cat!" Featherlight stepped forward.

"Silence!" Shadestar weaved in between the arguing cats. "I will not have you fighting amongst yourselves! We have to work together! We are a Clan, we are a family! If we fight amongst ourselves, we risk becoming vulnerable!" The cats exchanged a glance and nodded.

"You're right, Shadestar . We should trust your judgement. Stonestar chose you." Graywhisker meowed. Dustclaw nodded, though Mudpelt still seemed uneasy, but he nodded. He dipped his head in respect.

"I'm sorry, Shadestar. "

 "I forgive you." She meowed. "We must stand together if we are to survive."

(Warriors) 🌹Flower In The Shadows🌹 Volume I: ✳Dark Seeds✳Where stories live. Discover now