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I could feel my heart hammering in my ribcage as I notched an arrow, trying to steady my breathing as a monster, I think someone called it a drakon, slithered down Fifth Avenue, its scales scraping against the road like knives being sharpened. The mere sound sent goosebumps up my skin, but I forced myself to stay still.

I'd like to say that my arrow hurt the drakon, but honestly, it hit the metal scales of its hide and bounced off like the world's best body armor. I didn't know whether to be thankful or not that it didn't turn to face me. But by the petrification of the demigods in its gaze, I think I'll stay on its back end.

Flying chariots pulled by skeleton horses came from the sky with the person leading them shrieking, "ARES!" at the top of their lungs. I winced as the drakon ate one of the charioteers in a single gulp, while others got poison spewed at them as they charged the over grown lizard.

I turned on my heel, finding a fire escape on the side of a building. After running up to maybe the eighth or ninth floor, I notched another arrow, feeling more at peace from this position. Sure, if the drakon decided to turn my way and spit poison at me, I'd definitely die, but this was one of the best positions if I wanted to hit its face in any way.

The same girl, their voice sounded to shrill to be a boy, charged again, but the drakon caught her with its poisonous venom, causing for her chariot to crash to the ground. As much as it pained me to see that, I pulled back my bow string, aiming for a spot between its scales right on the back of his neck.

Another girl from another flying chariot held the broken body on the street, surrounded by other demigods (I could've sworn I saw Percy and Annabeth), before grabbing some sort of weapon and charging the drakon by herself. That was about the bravest and stupidest thing I had ever seen in my life time.

Deciding that I was too far away to be of any use, I pushed of the railing of the fire escape, jumping to the platform on the next building. I nearly slipped a couple of times, barely catching the railing in time to prevent me from going splat on the pavement below, but I eventually got close enough.

The girl on the drakon began to glow red, and I winced as one of my arrows nearly hit her leg. Thankfully, she stayed focus, until the drakon seized as sparks began to fly off of it, like someone had transferred all of Manhattan's electrical energy into the monster.

I walked down to the ground level, shooting the drakon in its still open eyes one more time for good measure. The cursed thing had nearly burned my bow when it first came charging down Fifth Avenue. Not cool, bro!

As I neared the group of huddled demigods, crouching over the fallen girl, my hand reached for the thick roll of bandages and baggie of ambrosia I had left in my pants pocket from helping Will out (I had some guy's cargo pants that I found at the hotel a while back-lots of big pockets). But when I saw how badly the poison had burned through the girl's skin, I knew that there was nothing I-or anyone for that matter-could do. My blood chilled as I saw her hold out the silver scythe charm; she had been the spy for Kronos.

"Oh gods," I mumbled to myself, holding a hand over my mouth to hide my shock.

"Y-you," the girl said weakly, locking her gaze with mine. "Be...careful. No...trust."

People around me glared, and I felt myself looking down at the ground. What did she know about what Kronos had been doing to me? I heard her say something about someone named Charlie, causing for the girl holding her to start crying when she didn't move again.

A moment later, I felt a meaty hand wrapped around my throat, slowly squeezing my neck. I coughed and gagged, struggling against the person, but their grip was like a vice: tight and unyielding.

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