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I've lost count of how many people have tried to burn down the Hermes cabin today. Even I tried and restrained myself at least ten times. Every other camper glared at my father's cabin, with eager eyes hoping that something would happen, killing the person hiding in there. Chiron actually had to place Argus outside the cabin to make sure none of the Ares, Aphrodite, Ares, and Hephaestus kids would get revenge on Luke for killing their siblings. 

Yes, Cassy's ever so gracious gift to me was restoring Luke's life. She had said that he had shown repentance (whatever that meant to her) for what he did to everyone, but I didn't believe it for a moment. I'm pretty sure anyone would say anything if it meant getting a second chance at life.

I remember that at the end of breakfast when Luke had shown up, both Clarisse and Will had sent me a look saying: we need to talk. We met up behind the Big House, while campers were heading off to their first activity of the day.

"Did you know about this?" Clarisse asked harshly, her hand twitching around the handle of her spear.

"No!" I exclaimed, rubbing my bracelet nervously. "I didn't even know that the dead could come back! Isn't Hades super strict about this kind of thing?"

"Whatever the case," Will added, pausing to glare at the Hermes cabin in the distance, "I wish he wasn't here. I'm sorry to say this, Layla, but I think he'd be better off dead."

I sighed, running a hand through my ponytail. "So do I, guys. He's caused so much pain to everyone here, and I certainly don't trust him, even if he is my brother. He's got a lot to make up for."

"But why him?" Clarisse hissed out, anger and sadness shining brightly in her nougat brown eyes. "That punk killed Beckendorf and blackmailed Silena, and scammed gods knows how many other demigods into working for him! Why is he alive, when all the other people that died as heroes remain dead?!"

Will muffled a sob with the back of his hand. "Yeah! Luke is responsible for killing Michael and Lee, my older brothers! I'm now in charge of the entire Apollo cabin, and I'm only thirteen!" His resolve finally broke down as he started crying.

I pulled the younger son of Apollo in to a hug, letting him cry into my shoulder as I caressed his hair. Clarisse no longer looked as angry, but instead deeply sympathetic at the younger boy. She sighed in resignation, twirling her spear once, before striking the ground with the butt of the handle.

"We'll deal with Luke's betrayal later," instructed Clarisse, "with all the cabin heads. I'm inviting you with the Stoll brothers as the Hermes representative." She awkwardly patted Will's back. "Sorry for fighting with your brothers, kiddo."

"Not y-your fault," Will sniffed out, drying his puffy eyes. "Michael was always super stubborn." He sniffed one more time, before adding, "I'll tell the other cabins we'll be holding a meeting. Later today sound good?"

"Yeah, perfect," I said, still hugging Will. "I'll let the Stolls know. What about Chris?"

"I'll bring him, too."

I nodded my head in understanding as Clarisse left. "How about you, Will? Are you going with your cabin to their activities?"

"I have to as cabin head," he said softly, slowly backing up from me. Will sighed, hanging his head low in defeat. "I just hope that I'll be able to manage the responsibility."

"If you ever need help, whether it be as a cabin head or in the infirmary, please, let me know." I raised his head with my hand, causing for him to look into my eyes. I gave him what I hoped to be a reassuring smile. "And if you need me to watch the younger kids, I'd do that too. Okay? I'll be there to always help if you need it."

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