Chapter 11: Grace Leanne Tyler

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I hadn't been able to get my mind off what'd happened earlier. Why would she just attack me? Sure she's a total jerk who ruined my life in so many ways, but still to attack me in public is kinda weird, don't you think? I can't sleep, every time I close my eyes it starts. Not just today's fight but all of them. Every single fight, every bad incident, anything and everything; right down to the fact that she dated Nik for quite a while. 
Anyhow this is why at two in the morning I'm walking into the guest bedroom. "Rafe? Ya up?" I asked quietly, tapping on the door. I didn't want to wake him, but my family wasn't home, and I wasn't quite sure where Jer and Magnus are. 
"I am now," He answered tiredly. "What's wrong?" The light beside the bed flipped on revealing a half asleep Rafe. 
"I couldn't sleep and no one else is home." I shrugged a shoulder, walking over to the bed and hesitantly sitting on the edge. 
"And why's that's, love?" He sat up fully and grabbed my hand which was lying on the comforter. "Is it because of what happened with that brunette earlier?"
"Her name's Grace." I mumbled. 
"Okay is it because of her?" 
I nodded my head. "Yeah."
"Come here and tell me all about her." He pulled me closer to him. To where now I was in his arms. 
"She moved next door when I was ten." I began. "She seemed like a nice girl and all and we were sorta friends. But then we turned eleven and she changed. She became mean and hateful, a down right jerk. At the time Mack and I were best friends. We were inseparable, but Grace told Mack that I hated her and was only her friend out of pity. Mack got mad and turned on me, started hanging out with Grace all the time and pretty soon Grace had made her into her little minion. It didn't stop there though, Grace then made it her mission to destroy me said I'd hurt her, betrayed her. but I hadn't." I paused. "Frankly I don't remember doing anything at all to her. She thought Niklaus would be an easy target so she got him under her spell too. Tried to convince him that I didn't want him to be happy. We got into it a couple times, you know arguments, fights, and all that."
"Is that one reason you left?" Rafe interrupted. 
"Tell me about that." He snuggled closer to me. "I bet it's a good story."
I laughed. "I wouldn't exactly say that."
"I don't care."
"Okay so it was three and a half months ago, I was headed to class when someone called my name. It was a girl Erica and she said that Nik needed to talk to me and to meet him behind the school. So naturally I did, but he wasn't alone. He was with her, or rather had her against the wall. When they saw me they freaked. I should have known then that something wasn't right, I mean, Nik hadn't spoken to me in months."
"Because of Grace?" 
I nodded again and continued the story. "He left the minute he saw me, leaving me and her alone."

"What's going on?" I asked slowly, watching as Niklaus retreated into the school. 
"I wanted to talk to you." Grace pushed herself off the wall. "I mean we used to be close friends years ago." She took a couple daring steps toward me. "Maybe I missed you." By now she was inches from me. 
"You wouldn't miss me if I was the only person left." I remarked.
The blond bit her lip. "You've always been to smart for me, Ellie." She sighed. "In another life we could have been great friends." She placed a hand on my arm tightly. "If only." She shoved me back. 
Being as klutzy as I am, I almost fell, I grabbed her arm to stay steady. Not realizing I'd done just what she wanted. Grace smiled and twisted my arm sideways, pushing me down as she did. "Little, Eleanor, you always thought you were strong." She snickered. "Too bad I know your secrets."
"You know nothing." I scoffed. "You never have." My knees touched the ground.

"I know you're not as nice as people think. I know the real you. The one who doesn't rules and being told what to do. I know the girl who hides beneath, the one who sneaks out with her friends to break into some fancy house or annoy dinner workers."
"What do you want, Grace?" I questioned, trying to stay calm.  
"I want to see her. I want the real you." She replied. "I also know that if you get in trouble one more time you'll be sent away."
Nik had to have told her that, but how could he?! That was private information.
"You want me to go to England don't you?" I winced a little in pain. She had a strong grip and at this moment I was afraid she was going to break my arm. 
"Grace!" Mack appeared from around the corner. "Grace let go!"  She pushed Grace back from me. "Not cool you could have hurt her really badly." She yelled at her before running to me.
"Ellie, you alright?" Mack's voice was laced with concern, but I couldn't care less.
"I'm fine." I tried to push myself up but failed.
"Let me help you, please?" Mack pleaded her blue eyes showed signs of sadness. "Please, El." She extended her hand to me. 

"Grace, really is a jerk." Rafe concluded. "But why'd she attack you today?" 
"I don't have the faintest." I sighed.
"Well come on let's try to sleep, love, we have a flight to catch in the morning."


"What the holy heck is going on here?!" 
My eyes flew open to the sound of someone's demanding voice. I sat up quickly to find Leigh in the doorway. "Hey, Leigh, what's up?" I asked slowly, wondering why she sounded freaked out. Then I realized where I was, I had fallen asleep last night not in my own bed, but next to Rafe.
My eyes widened. "It's not what it looks like, KaiLeigh, I swear."
"Really because it looks like-"
"It's not okay. It's not like that at all." I explained. "I couldn't sleep so I came in here to talk, and I guess at some point I fell asleep. But that's it, I promise."
Leigh lifted her hands. "Calm down, little sis, I believe you. Just be thankful it wasn't Jas who found you this way." With that she turned to leave. "Wake your boyfriend, would ya, you've only got twenty minutes before we have to leave." With that she left.
"Rafe" I shook him. "Rafe, wake up." Nothing happened. "Rafe, darling, wake up. We have to leave for the airport soon." He stirred slightly. "Don't make me pour cold water on you." Nothing still. 
I sighed and tried a new method. Leaning down, I pressed a kiss to his lips. "Wake up now."
He opened his eyes and smiled. "Now that's the way to be woken up." He chuckled. 
"Shush." I climbed out of bed and left to get ready. 


"I'm sorry we couldn't have been around more while you were here." Mum said once inside the airport. 
"It's fine, Mummy, I understand you're busy with work." I told her with a nod. 
"You're father is going to beat himself up for months because he missed you completely. Jasper too." She said with a small laugh. "Have fun in England, and try to stay out of trouble." 
"I will." I glanced back at my friends who waited at the gate. "And besides with them as friends, there is I'll get into trouble."
"I'm glad to hear that, Eleanor."
With one final hug I went to join my friends. 
"You ready to go home, Ellie?" Magnus asked.
"Yeah I think I am, Mag." 

This chapter was mainly setting up Grace, who will make life for Ellie and her friends very interesting. The picture in the media is Grace, of course. I hope you liked it, and chapter 12 they're be back in England where all t fun happens. - Izzy 

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