Meet the Family

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Hecate's running outfit ^^^

Hecate's POV

I wake up to silence, it was about 5 AM and it was the only time that I got by myself. Getting out of my bed I walk over to my dresser and got some workout clothes. I get dressed and quietly walk out of the house and start running, I'm running for about an hour not thinking about anything imparticular, just thinking about the move, sports, school, and how my family is going to like it at Beacon Hills. Grandma and Grandpa are getting older and can't really handle big moves like this anymore, my brothers and sister had friends back at our old town and I know they miss 'em, and I live with my aunts and uncles and cousins, I'm not really sure how they are effected, some of my cousins are in college and had to switch to online courses for this move. I ,on the other hand, didn't have many friends, I played sports and worked hard for school, and helped out my family so the move didn't effect me at all.

I continue the path that I'm on until I'm colliding with a wall, wait, walls don't have abs. I look up and I'm met with blue eyes.

"I'm so sorry, here, let me help," the boy says

"Thanks, and don't apologize, I should have been looking where I was going," I said while wiping some dirt off my shorts.

"My name is Liam, I just moved here," Liam says while holding out his hand.

"Hecate, and I just moved here also," I say, shaking his hand.


"Yeah, its Greek," I say with a smile.

"You're Greek?" he asked.

"Yeah, all of my family is, they live with me and my family so its just one big house of people."

"That's so cool, why are you out so early in the morning?"

"Well why are you out?"

"Well I usually get up this early, what about you," he says with a smirk.

"This is the only time of day where I can be by myself and just run, you see I play lacrosse and I need to be in shape, there are tryouts this semester for the team," I say with a wide smile.

"Well you better keep working because I'm going to tryout also," he says with a smirk.

"You play?"

"Yeah my step dad taught me."

"Well Liam, want to run with me?" I asked with a bow.

"Why yes I would love to," he said with a bow of his own. We laughed and continued down the path.

Lydia's POV

It was the next morning and we were at the neighbor's house, me and my mom could here a lot of people from behind the door, we looked at each other and rang the doorbell. Moments later Celena opened the door and beckoned us in. The house was big, and the living room, dinging room, and kitchen looked connected. The table looked like it could fit a dozen people, and there were kids and adults in the living room and kitchen doing different things, talking, playing, and getting stuff organized and out of the many boxes that were around.

"Sorry for the mess again," Celena says with a laugh.

"Don't worry about it," my mom said.

"Oh I'm so glad you're here, we never really get guests that often," says Celena.

"Oh really? Why is that?" I asks.

"Because mama scares them," said a little voice, me and my mom looked down and saw a little girl about five years old looking up at them with big eyes.

Greek Goddess (Teen Wolf) Liam DunbarWhere stories live. Discover now