The Hershey Kiss

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The simple chocolate..

That chocolate brings back memories..

Memories when me and him were together..

I would laugh at all his jokes, and he'd laugh at mine..

Even if they weren't funny, we'd still laugh..

He called me Piperoni.. He was Peanut Butter..

I know this is cheesey, though "He was the Peanut Butter to my Jelly" lol

I was the Princess and he was the kKight in shining armor

We had hard times, but.. he always came back..

He told me to eat a Hershey Kiss everytime I thought of a happy time about him and I...


Now he is gone, I miss him...

Every time I see a Hershey Kiss, or eat one...

I cry...

When I think of him and I...

And I cry...

He may not read this

He may be gone

He was important to me

He made me happy

Hopefully one day he comes back

Hopefully one day he is in my arms again

It hurts to say goodbye

It hurts to miss him

Even though I will never know
Who he was behind the screen.

~This was Dedicated to John, Nick, PB, Royal Knight, whatever they call you now that you are gone.~


If he does somehow read this, he should know, WorldCraft doesn't work for me anymore

It keeps crashing. If he is looking for me, which I doupt he is..

I at least thought he should know.

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