Q & A (special update)

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  • Dedicated to All of my lovely readers

Hi there! So right now I'm kind of really really happy, despite all the drama that I have been running into over the past few days, because of you guys. You pretty don't know how much overwhelming it is for IJATC to peak 2000 reads in just a few months. It's pretty heart-warming, you know. 

So I've decided to do a question and answer portion for my story, before we go on with the next updates. Here are the questions I have received. 

From EveandFely4ever (Who's Fely btw? Nothing, just curious hehe.)

Why is it called It's Just Around The Corner? 

- It's called It's Just Around The Corner because when I was thinking of the plot of this story, I was listening to Simple Plan's song, 'Just Around The Corner'. I don't really know why I added it's but I guess it's enough to make the title look almost complete. [I'm picky like that sorry]

Anyway, back to the topic. I called it that because later on in the story, Kamon will find out that he doesn't need to go far when it comes to finding his way through his life; that all things around him has been there waiting for him all the time. It's a common idiom I really adore and I just thought that it would suit the story well. I can't really elaborate more of this since it'll be such a spoiler to the story plot, but I hope that makes enough sense. *winks*

Why did you delete It's Crimson Love? (ICL)

- I know that this ain't any part of IJATC, but I guess it will fall on the story-related questions. I deleted it because uh #1 Samuru pairs are getting kind of redundant #2 I didn't just wanted to do a love story because I also wanted my story to be like a sequel to B-Daman Fireblast/Cross Fight eS and #3 I just felt that the story was too cliche and I ran out of ideas and I lacked inspiration to update often. That is what happens when you rush. Never gonna do that again. But I am really looking forward for the remake, soon. Right now I should be giving my focus to IJATC. I am not the world's best multi-tasker so expect the least from me.

Where did you get that cover of IJATC?

- A few have been asking me where do I get my covers. Well that's simple, I take a few photos from the internet and I kind of merge them together, edit them, and add some special effects to give it a whole new look. I do all of that in Pixlr (an online application which is kind of an easier version of Photoshop). You guys should try it sometime, especially when you've already got some experience with PS. 

And for those who would also ask where did I learn all of those techniques, all I can say was that I learned them from our Elective class which specializes in these Photoshop things in the first and second grading of our school year.  

From dianajihn

What should we expect from your story the most? Are we going to learn valuable life lessons from IJATC?

- I say that you guys should expect many plot twists. Also, there will be many moments of happiness, action, sadness, fear, love, et cetera. So many things are to be expected in IJATC and I do hope that you guys would appreciate them a lot. I've pretty much included many lessons about friendship and family here the most. I just love valuing these things in my life. So yes, technically, you guys will learn a lot of lessons in IJATC and I hope that you guys would probably apply them in real life.

IJATC will make you laugh, cry, angry (at me?), and wonder a lot. I promise not to disappoint you guys with this story, I swear. 

Who are your favorite characters? 

- I just love all of them (especially my own characters) because I'm pretty sure I added at least one piece of my trait to most of the characters I made up. I definitely adore Hikaru Shirakawa, Avaron Kiyoko, Takumi Miyamoto, and the Yukimura cousins, Ichiro and Kimiko. They are all my favorites because... [spoiler redacted]. *grins*

Where do you get your character inspirations?

- Different ways! In my life, I get to encounter lots of people with different personalities and attitudes that I may either like or dislike. Besides that, I also get inspirations from the novels I read and the shows/movies I watch. I kind of love making experiments in combining certain characteristics that would turn out to be a great character. I easily get sick of seeing the cliche characters that show up in a movie so I go like "Oh, what if this kind of character would show up ect. etc...." That's just me. It's weird right?

And this is from a rebel who's really dying to ask me questions. Let's hide her in the name of "Satomi." Joke, anyway this is just story-related after all, so I guess we should count her in.

From SatomiSuichi

 What is the relation of your book cover to your story?

- If you guys would look at the middle portion of the book cover, you would see the bokeh city lights. The book cover was originally a photograph of a city with different colours of bokeh lights shining through the horizon. If you think it's just there to look pretty and all, well you are perhaps wrong about that thought. The lights that brighten the city even in the darkest nights symbolize the hope that is brought out to everyone even in the darkest problems one might encounter from time to time. If you would listen to Just Around The Corner, you would hear these lyrics:

"Don't give up when it all comes down, all the things that you lost are found, just around the corner, just around the corner. When you don't think you can take no more, you might find what you're searching for, just around the corner...it's just around the corner, yeah."

That pretty much sums it up.

What are your inspirations in making a story?

- I looooove to read, read, read, and read. Most of my story inspirations come from my favorite novels, especially Looking For Alaska and The Fault In our Stars. If you guys haven't read any of those, well I suggest you start putting that in your "Books to read" list. 

Besides from the novels I read, I also am infatuated with Anime, thanks to Satomi and my classmate who is an otaku as well. There's just something about it that makes me so inspired. From the good lessons, funny times, and heart-breaking moments, Anime drifted me into something new and fresh. Pretty sure without [these] people who helped me get into Anime, I wouldn't be writing this B-Daman fic you guys are reading. Thank them. 

Give some ship names for your story?

- {Why on earth ask this question oh god?} I don't even have any permanent ships for my story so far! *laughs* But if it's by random character ship, I have some *coughs on purpose* a lot, actually. (I just randomly mixed these up one day don't judge) These are the randoms ships I made. I don't know which of them are coming true but I gues these will give hints for you guys to guess for, perhaps? 

KaMiko (Kamon and Kimiko), SaMiko (Samuru and Kimiko), Mavaron (Mitsuru and Avaron), ReggieKaru (Reggie and Hikaru), KamoKaru, (Kamon and Hikaru), NovuKaru (Novu and Hikaru), TakuMiko (Takumi and Kimiko), NovuMiko (Novu and Kimiko), and lastly, NovuRon (Novu and Avaron). 

Please take note that these aren't real ships! (just yet?) I just made them up because one night I was trying to figure out who's gonna end up with who. Who knows, I might add more ships in my story one day. Let's just see which love chemistry will develop into a perfect reaction of a love couple. 

And if you guys would be asking for Yaoi ships, it would only be TakuKamon on the list (Takumi and Kamon), nothing else. Get it? *giggles*

Yuri ships? I guess it would count in HikaMiko (Hikaru and Kimiko) and AvaKaru (Avaron and Hikaru). *cringes because I don't know if I should tell you these things anyway lol*


Before I end this, I would like to thank everyone who supports IJATC, and hopefully, I hope you would still bear with me and my story until the very end. 

These are the answers, answered by yours truly. I hope they satisfied you guys enough. Stay tuned for the next updates of IJATC, much love. xx

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