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{This took place yesterday with my principal and my family. I want you guys to know I don't agree with anti-semitinsm, and racists acts in any way,I'm just writing this in the point of view of Scorpion because I want you guys to hear it from this point of veiw}"Hey Sky can I ask you something?" "What's up?" "How do you feel about the Joke Felix made about the death to all Jews, since he is you 3rd cousin." {This is the serious part of the story.} "I think what Felix did was very unexceptionable and Disney dropping him was the best of choices because what he did was inappropriate and he knows better than doing something. I don't support anti-semitinsm and I know he doesn't either. Felix is one of my most loved cousins and I know he doesn't care about Religion, Color, Sexuality, Race, etc. I know all he cares about is how that person is treated. Everyone in this world deserves a little bit of respect and I know if you ask of it from Felix then you will get it. If you respect someone, the will respect you back it is just like the golden rule. Respect is one thing Felix is good at giving. As in for Youtube dropping Scare Pewdiepie, I honestly personally never watched Scare PewDiePie. I always thought it was a thing I wouldn't like, but now ill never know if I like it or not because a can't see it ever again. Long story short All life's matter including Jewish people, and I freely as a girl who is part Soman, let any person from any country do what they want because they have that freedom to do what they want. And Felix made the choice there for he will have to deal with the consequences of being dropped by Disney and Youtube getting rid of Scare Pewdiepie." "But what does this have on other big Youtubers that are partnered with Disney?" "That Disney won't except things like this." "Why?" "Because Disney, actually everyone thinks all life's matter." "Do you think that all life's matter?" "Yes all life's matter, and what made it even worse is that Jacksepticeye made a video about the Nazis when he has made Jokes about the Nazis." "Ok that's it." {Let me know what you guys think about it in the comments.}

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