Brandon POV

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I was walking back with my lime slushie alone because I didn't want to go with Randy and Jenny to the office to get Randy's damn lunch that he forgot on the very first day of school. Since when did that guy even eat lunch at school anyways? I would've gone if like it was only Jenny, but this was stupid Randy's lunch so nope. He ain't important. I'd rather go alone with ma girl.

I took a sip of my slushie as I turned the corner. I saw Justin and Jihye having a little time of their own so I decided to walk really slowly so I don't ruin their moment just yet but still listen to what they were saying.

"Anyways, ------ has this really big cr-- on Jenny for like 3 years already. ---------- he is always awkward around her." Justin said to Jihye. I was quite far so I couldn't hear what they said at some point but got the gist. WHO'S THIS GUY THAT'S TAKING MY GIRL!? I walked a bit faster until I was about 3 feet away and then stopped.

"Does Jenny like him??" Jihye asked, sounding super intrigued.

"Does Jenny like who?" I exclaimed.

Both Justin and Jihye looked back and then stopped...

"Bro I didn't mean to let it out... it just happened to spill out of my mouth..." Justin explained.

"Wait what?!? YOU FUCKIN TOLD HER!!!" I shouted this time.

"Sorry..." Justin walked up to my and slapped me on the arm.

I ignored him but instead, I walked over to Jihye. "You better not say a single word about this to Jenny. Don't you dare tell her..." I mumbled.

"Ok ok, I can keep secrets too!" Jihye murmured back.

"Where's Randy and Jenny? Did you ditch them?" Justin asked as I leaned on the wall.

"Randy forgot his damn lunch so his mom brought it to school. Jenny begged to come so Randy took her. I didn't feel like coming along so I came here to find this." I shrugged.

"Or maybe you are just a little jelly?" Jihye teased.

"No. I'm peanut butter, child." I sarcastically answered and rolled my eyes.

"Totally jelly." Justin whispered.

"IKR!!" Jihye jumped around all of a sudden. "Kdrama be real."

"Kdrama? Are you one of those people too? The kind that Jenny is classified in?!?" I asked.

"How dare you offended us people? All the fans are gonna kill you I swear. Once I summon my fellow A.R.M.Ys, you shall be dead, but I can't right now because it's Jungkook's bday, so they are all at the birthday party." Jihye joked.

"And you are not invited." Justin cracked up and I laughed along too. "It's ok they probably ran out of invitations... JK!"

We joked around some more and FINALLY Randy and Jenny came back.

"What took you two hella so long?" Jihye asked punching Jenny in the arm.

"Ouch, we went to go get Randy's lunch... didn't Brandon tell you??" Jenny looked at me.

"Oh... ummm... I did!" I said. I wasn't staring I promise.

"But it doesn't take you THAT long to get a lunch pail?" Justin added.

"The office lady was gone somewhere and a teacher who came by asked us why we were there and we told her about the lunch pail and she gave it to us after taking us to this shelf that was literally 2 feet away from where we were standing." Jenny explained as she took a sip of her slushie.

"Can I have some?" I asked Jenny for her slushie. Yes, I just want her to talk to me.

"You have your own!" Jenny defended her slushie.

"I'll give you some of mine!" I offered and almost immediately, Jenny traded her slushie with mine.

"What flavor is this?" Jenny asked as her eyes grew golfball size when she took a sip. Cutie.

"Lime. It's good right?" I asked.

"Yup." Jenny nodded taking another sip. We've all known each other for a really long time already, so eating and drinking from each other's food/drink isn't really a big problem. We are all family here!

"Can I have my slushie back now?" Jenny whined.

"Sure." I handed her the cup and got mine back. Status Update! Jihye was on the floor now, eating her HOT POCKETS! And Justin was doing... homework? Idk. Randy was sitting around bouncing his basketball. Jenny was also doing homework? And what am I doing? Staring at Jenny. ;)

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