The Smart and the lazy

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Suki's POV

"Shikamaru I have to go, You won't be able to stop me from going to suna. By bye Shikamaru."

"No, Suki you can't g-"
I disapeered and telaported myself to the gates of konah, and waved by to the gaurds. I started walking off until Ino, Choji, Shikamaru, and Asuma sensei ran to me.
"What do you want?"
"We want you to keep these."
Asuma sensei said and pulled out a necklace with a 4 notes sealed up in a see through glass konah simble. He gave it to me.
Ino then pulled out a heart chained braclet that had the word SUKI embeded.
Choji held out a pair of earrings that had the konah simble on it.
Last was shikamaru who held out a bag with a new outfit in it. The outfit was a blue short sleeve Tee shirt with a tie drawn in with sharpie, a pair of baseball pants, a grey jacket, and new shoes. The last thing was a villiage hidden in the sand headband.
"Thank-Thank you guys so much!"
I hugged them all. Asuma said "open up the 1rst note at the gates of suna, It's Ino's note. Open My note when you find you're first friend, Choji's note once you found a house and is completely happy, And shikamarus when you decide you wanna come"
I replyed and Teleported to suna, The gaurds suprised that I had apeared out of no where.
"What is your business in Suna?"
"A new life.".
"Where are you from?"
I awnsered mabey 25 questions or something before they let me inside the gates.

"Wow! Suna's great."
Then I remebered Ino's letter.
I unfolded the paper Ino gave me and I read it;

Hi Suki! Hows Suna?
I know you forget things easily so you,re probebly already in Suna.
See you in a while .' So yah, BY.

Very sweet, I leave my stuff at a apartment and go for a walk.
I accidentally bumped into a guy with a large gourd on his back and a couple people following him. The girl wore a white skirt and matching shirt and the boy, in a cat outfit with makeup all over his face.
Just like the boy I bumped into they all had stuff on their backs, the girl had a fan, and the boy a cro.
"Oops sorry! I'm Suki and I just moved here from Konah! Whats your name?"
He stared at me like I'm dumb or something.
I then looked at his companions and smirked.
"Whatever, Suna is such a drag."
I then walked away with the smirk plastered on my face. I got home and started unpacking.

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