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Jazzys POV

I woke up with Anthony's arms wrapped around me. It gave me a lot of comfort considering what happened the night before. Stacys pregnant. And there's a good chance that it's Anthony's kid. And I know he means it when he says he won't leave me but when a kid comes into the picture, everything changes. Even when you promise it won't.

I feel him move around and it interrupts my thoughts. I pretend I'm still asleep. I just need some time to collect myself. He sits up slightly to look at my face. I feel him lie back down and bury his face in the back of my neck. I feel protected. He gives me a secure feeling and I love it. I love him.

Anthony's POV

I wake up to see jazzy still asleep. I nuzzle my face in her neck with my arms still around her waist from where we fell asleep. She deserves to sleep in after the night we just had. Stacy has to be lying. I mean, that night we saw her at the bar, she was surrounded by guys. You can't tell me that nothing happened. If I am the father, I wouldn't leave jas. I love her more than anything. I couldn't ever leave her.

She starts to move around after her alarm goes off. I sit up to face her as her eyes flutter open. "Good morning baby" I say as my voice cracks. "Morning" she says yawning. We had rehearsal again today but what else is new.

We arrive at the theater and greet everybody. Lin walks up to us. "Hey! How are you guys doing?" He says cheerfully. "Good...tired but we're hanging in there" Jasmine responds. Lin gives us a worried look. "Are you sure you guys are okay? It looks like you woke up 5 minutes ago." He knows us too well. "Well..." I quickly explain the events of last night. Jasmine quickly started to get choked up when I mentioned Stacy. Lin looked shocked. "Wow. That's quite a predicament." He looks puzzled as if he is trying to find a solution. "But Stacy agreed to a paternity test so we're waiting to hear when we can go in and get it done." Jasmine interlocks our fingers sensing my uneasiness. Lin nods and we go on the discuss Sebastian and his obsession with a certain tv show.

"Well, I just talked to Stacy." I say walking to the kitchen from our bedroom. "And?" Jasmine asks. "She said she would meet us at the doctors on Saturday at 4" she nods and looks back at the counter fighting back tears. I walk over to her and hug her from behind. "It's going to be okay baby. I promise. No matter what happens." I assure her. "But a baby changes everything Ant. If it is yours, it's going to grow up without a full family and I know that your too good of a person to do that to a child." I look at her shocked. "Jasmine. No matter what. I mean it. Sure I will love that kid but I will never love Stacy. I love you. Nothing could ever get in the way of that." She nods and gives me a peck as she walks to the bathroom.

Jasmines POV

Anthony assures me that everything is going to be okay and I believe him. What else can i do? Stacy is so vile and sickening and I can't even imagine what would make a person be so cruel to another human being. Especially since Anthony is the nicest person ever.

I'm just dreading Saturday. Partly because I have to see Stacy and partly because I don't want to lose Anthony. I just have to wait a few more days. A few more days until this is all over and I'll hopefully feel better.

We go back to the theater from our lunch break and find everyone in a panicked huddle. We run over to see what happened and we find Lin with a huge gash on his arm. "What the hell happened?" Anthony asks bending down to calm Lin down. "He was climbing into the pit when he tripped and threw his arm in front of him to protect his head. We heard him yell from the dressing rooms." Renee explains. "I'm going to call Vanessa. He needs to go to the hospital." Daveed says as he runs to get his phone. We all bandage his arm up best we can and tell Vanessa to meet us at the hospital.

Two hours later

Anthony's POV

"Hey man how are you feeling. When they took you in for stitches you looked like you were gonna faint." I say walking to his room. "Yeah I feel a lot better but I lost a lot of blood so I have to take it easy for a while. But that doesn't mean no rehearsal. We can't afford that. I gave everyone today off and a half day tomorrow but just because I won't be there for this week it won't mean no rehearsal." He seemed worked up. "Are you sure your okay?" I ask worried. He looks down. "Ik just really worried. This show is everything to me and I ll afraid that staying home when I should be working will hurt us." I give him a pat on the back. "You put in everything into this show everyday. Missing a few days won't be a big deal." I can tell my speech wasn't too inspiring but it's the best I had. I had too much on my mind to come up with anything better.

I left the hospital and headed home where Jasmine was waiting for me. She had picked us up Chick-fil-a. "You didn't have to pick something up j could've made something." I said giving her a hug and pecking at her lips. "I know but you were with Lin all day and I knew you'd be tired." She said walking into the living room.

The rest of the night we talked in light conversation obviously avoiding the topic that was searing through our minds. I could tell she was terrified of Saturday and what might happen. Honestly I was too.  Finally I couldn't take it anymore. We had been avoiding the topic for far too long and it needed to be addressed.

"What if it is my kid?" I ask out of no where. Jasmine looks up at me. "You'll live with Stacy and take care of the baby" she says without thinking about it. My face turns from worried to hurt in less than five seconds. She looks up immediately realizing what she said and we both sit there with shocked expressions on our faces. Neither of us knowing what to say next.

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