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It was 3 in the morning and Catherine was loudly and rudely awoken from her sleep by an angry brunette.

"Get your ass up Cat!!" Kadin said, obviously upset to be awake so early in the morning. "It's YOUR kid crying so go and fix it!"

The other brunette rolled over hoping this was a nightmare and not real. Unfortunately it was, kadin proved this by flipping the mattress of the girls bed and tossing her painfully onto the floor with a yelp.

"Get up!!" She yelled one more time before stomping out of the room.

Now fully awake Cat rubbed her eyes and stood up. She pulled her small sleeping shorts down to their proper place and came out of the room, she fixed her hair and purple tank top as she walked down the hall to the stair case.

She passed by Courntey and Kasi's bedroom and noted that they were both still asleep after Kadin's yelling and the screaming of the baby down stairs. Cat was in charge of taking care of the kids who's ages are one and younger. Her mom worked at a daycare and she knew what to do, Kasi really wanted to do it but Cat had more experience, plus she got out voted.

The long haired brunette walked down the stairs and saw the pitch black living room, her eyes slowly adjusted to the darkness so she could see the outline of a few baby cribs. One of them had a wailing child inside it.

Cat walked up to the crib and reached in to grab the child. He stifled his crying to a whimper and clung to her chest. The baby was probably at least 5 months old; blonde and adorable. Big watery blue eyes looked up at Cat and she smiled down at him.

"There there Sting, what's wrong? Are you hungry or just lonely?"

The blonde boy whimpered and clung harder. Cat walked over to the other baby's crib to make sure he was ok. The black haired baby slept fine, he looks like he shifted a little but has remained asleep.

"You woke up Kadin but not Rogue..? Impressive."

Cat carried Sting into the kitchen and flicked on the lights. She winced at the change and Sting whimpered and closed his eyes.

"Sorry baby." The brunette said and moved over to the fridge. She held the child in her right arm carefully and opened it up, she grabbed a bottle of milk she had prepared the day before and then closed the fridge with her hip.

"Hungry?" Cat asked showing the bottle to Sting who whined and shifted to reach for it or get in a comfortable position to eat.

The girl chuckled and walked to a crock pot sitting on the marble counter. She filled it with water and turned it on, she stuck the bottle in it and waited for it to warm up.

While she waited she couldn't help but think back to the moment they had first found this massive house in the middle of the woods with children mysteriously living alone inside it. All the girls had wanted to do was have a nice trip camping for their long weekend, but a storm had intervened and sent them running in all directions, fate had them all wind up in this massive house thought to be abandoned and find the children.

God only knows how they had lasted out here so long without parents. What scared the girls the most was why they were here, how, and why they were the people from Fairy Tail.

Cat was brought from her thoughts when Sting whined. She looked down at him to see he was fidgeting and looking like he was going to cry again. She smiled and bounced him lightly, it calmed him a little. She liked him much better like this, being adorable and lovable. She was a fan of Sting in the manga, he was pretty rude and mean at first but near the end he was awesome.

Cat grabbed a towel and took the bottle out of the water, she made sure it was warm enough, then walked out into the living room. She sat down on the couch so she could see the other 2 cribs, with the help of the kitchen light.

She adjusted Stings position so she was cradling him and offered the bottle to his face. Sting happily opened his mouth and drank from the bottle. One of his hands held onto hers while the other clung to her shirt still. Sting was one of the few kids that had chosen to bond with Cat the most. True all kids in the house loved the teenagers like real parents or siblings, but hey, kids did play favorites.

Cat looked at the other cribs. There were a total of 12 kids in all inside the house. Three of them, including Sting were infants. Cat was in charge of taking care of these three kids. There was Sting, Wendy, and Rouge.

The other kids were Cobra and Laxus as the oldest, then Gajeel, Mirajane, and Erza, and finally Gray, Natsu, and Lucy.

Cat looked down at Sting who had almost drained the entire bottle. Kid must have been hungry. She still felt conflicted about all of this. The girls had been here almost five months and yet they knew nothing about the mystery that involved the children. She was also hoping somewhat... That this life she had now... With all her friends taking care of the kids, wouldn't end.

The brunette took the bottle from Sting once it was completely empty and set it on the living rooms small glass table. She stood up patting the little blondes back and walked back to the crib. She placed him back down where he began to almost sleep immediately, Cat grabbed the bottle and put it in the kitchen sink to be hand washed in the morning by Kasi or Courtney. She flicked the lights off then headed back up to her room to sleep till she was awoken again for god only knows what reason.

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