Chapter 2: Exploration

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Chapter 2: Exploration

Courtney was the first of all of them to flip out.

"We're gonna die!!"

Kasi slapped her in the face. "It's just a storm, relax."

Courtney still looked like she wanted to go cry in a corner. Cat was a little disconcerted by the house, the story had not scared her to badly but after hearing it then ending up in a house very similar to it... This did make her a bit nervous.

"Okay, well. We should probably look around the house." Kadin said glancing to the doors on either side of them then to the staircase across from the main door.

"No way!" Courtney said sounding hysterical.

"I'll stay with you Courtney..." Cat said to relax her friend. The red head still looked uncomfortable but she stopped complaining.

"Im going to head up stairs." Kadin said point up the large stairs.

"Take Kasi with you it looks big, you guys can split up." Cat said.

Kasi shrugged and followed the younger girl up the stairs.

"Let's go." Cat said to her underling. Courtney sighed and followed her to the door on the left. Inside was a massive dining room.

The first thing Cat noticed, even after running into the house, was that the power was on.

A long table, at most ten feet long, sat in the middle of the room. Walking closer to it Cat could see it was cherry oak and the sides of it were covered in small complicated designs.

"This is gorgeous." Courtney said circling the table, her hand dragged on it. Both girls noticed how no dust was on the table. No one voiced the question hanging in the air.

The chairs matched the table. The rest of the room was full of decorative furniture used to hold plates, silverware, place mats, and anything you could possibly think of to go on a table.

"Cat look up!"

The long haired girl did. Her eyes were first drawn to the fancy chandelier hanging above them. She noticed how, unlike the rest of the house, it wasn't on, making the room seem darker than it should be. Her eyes then trailed over to a cat walk that lined the right side of the room, it was on the same level as the chandelier and was overlooking the entire room. Anyone up there could see everything going on.

A flash of lightening coming in from the tall windows on the left side of the room made both girls jump.

Cat stared at the cat walk above, she could have sworn she just saw a shadow moving across it. It could have just been the flash of lightening, but didn't hurt to be suspicious.

"Cat." Courtney called.

The girl walked over to her friend to find her standing in front of a fire place. It was very large and made of marble. A fire was not lit which didn't surprise them.

Courtney picked up a picture frame that was sitting on the mantle, there were several of them there in all shapes and sizes. The red head handed the picture to her and Cat looked at it confused. She then looked to each picture on the mantle and was a little surprised to find them all the same.

Each picture frame was empty, not a single image was placed inside the decorative pretty frames.

"Weird." Cat put the picture back and noticed again how there was still no dust.

"Should we move on to the next room?" Courtney asked waiting at a door next to the fire place.

"Yep, lets role." The two girls moved on as another flash of lightening lit up the room.

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