Legend of the flame

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  • Dedicated to Aniplex

prequel to fullmetal alchemist.....ENLISTMENT CHPT.1

 ‘‘What’s your name soldier’’The enlistening man  asked ‘‘It’s Roy Mustang I was told to come here for the alchemist exam.’’ The enlister pointed to a giant blue door with the states symbol and Roy went inside and saw group of men in a line and in front of them their was Lefeur Bradley commanding  them to use alchemy. Lefeur told Roy to show him his exam papers . ‘‘Yes I see you're the new one alright stand over their by him’’ pointing to a man with black long hair in a ponytail.

  “Alright I’ve decided you're roles everyone Kimbley you’ll be our crimson alchemist Lt. Armstrong you’ll be the strong arm alchemist Dr.tucker you are the sewing life alchemist Mustang the flame alchemist the rest are just the states alchemists.” Roy was shown to his chambers. Roy read his schedule he had dinner in ten minutes. He decided to change into his new uniform.  Roy got his food when he ran into Kimbley. ‘‘ Hey Roy was it come here sit by me and Dr.Tucker’’ Kimbley said hitting the bench. “Hello Doctor”Roy had replied. “No need for such Certainty call me Shao Corporal.”

After they ate Roy went back to his chambers and he laid down.

When suddenly he heard some talking outside. It was Kimbley yelling at someone Roy peeked out it was Shao tucker he laid on the floor bleeding.

Quickly Roy opened his door and snapped his fingers flames lashed at Kimbley it burnt his arm leaving a bloody gash. “Roy I thought we were friends”Kimbley yelled. Soon Lt. Armstrong  came and tended to Tuckers wounds then Roy never spoke to Kimbley unless he had to. “Roy come here I need to speak to you” Lefuer commanded

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