Going Home

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Hi guys! Just wanted to say that I really enjoy writing this story. I hope you all love reading it. I do hope you recommend this story as well as checking out my other fanfictions. Please vote, comment and Follow.:)

  Everyone knew where they were going. Everyone walked behind Hook to get to the ship, which was the only way off Neverland. When they reached the beach the boat was at least 150 yards out. The island has disappeared that much already.

  "How are we supposed to get there?" A lost boy asked.

  "Rumple? Regina? Emma?" Hook asked.

  "We can try." Emma answered for all of the,. They all used there magic to get everyone aboard the Jolly Rodger.

  "Hey! Me and my boy aren't leaving our home!" Tink yelled in anger.

  "Would you rather die? And kill your son?" Regina asked. Tink didn't answer. She knew Regina was right.

  Soon the bot set off. Neverland was getting smaller and smaller. Peter was still vivid in your kind but that didn't stop you from having a panic attack that one day you might forget him.

  "I love you." You mouthed yo the island before it disappeared.

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