Prechlan/Leston (still hate that ship name ah)

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Lachlan's P.O.V:

The only sound in the dark room was Preston's quiet breathing and the low hum of the TV monitor. I yawned, carefully removing my arm from around Preston, careful not to wake him. I stretched, hearing rain faintly pouring outside the window.

My boyfriend shifted in his sleep, moving his head onto my lap as I sat up. I smiled, running my fingers through his silky brown hair. I reached over to the coffee table, blindly skimming its surface, searching for my phone.

When I couldn't find the damn thing I started to get a bit confused, it wasn't where I put it. I glanced down, spotting it locked in Preston's sleeping hands. I sighed, slightly turning to position myself closer to him. I gently grabbed the top edge of the black rectangle, slightly pulling it from his fingers. It almost worked before he tightened his grip, inhaling sharply. I could see his eyes swimming back and forth rapidly under his eyelids, "Where are you Lachy," He spoke, his voice barely louder than a whisper.

"I'm here baby," I kissed his forehead, "Go back to sleep," I hushed, wrapping my arms around his waist, my fingers resting on my phone. He relaxed in my arms, moving one hand from my phone to entwine with mine. Only one hand held onto my phone now, but that problem was I couldn't reach it with Preston holding my other hand.

I contemplated just snatching it from him, but he looked so peaceful when he was sleeping, I also wanted a picture of him like that, he was so cute. I spent a few minutes just watching him, his breath rising and falling in a steady rhythm, until deciding to actually move.

I reluctantly removed my hand from his waist, watching him shiver in the absence of my touch. I felt a little bad, but I needed to look at my phone, Vik's flight might have already landed. I moved his hand up, prying each of his finger off of my phone.

"If you wanted it that bad, you could've just asked, but A for effort babe," Preston murmured, snuggling into my chest. He yawned deeply, listening to my heartbeat.

"I didn't want to wake you up," I explained, resting my phone on his back as he laid on top of me.

"E for effort on that one," He replied, lifting his head up to kiss my cheek.

I grinned, turning my attention back to my phone, beginning to scroll through the extensive amount of notifications. Most of them were from Vik, informing me that he had landed and was on his way.

"Lachlan," Preston complained, tugging at my sleeves, "Love meeeeeeee!" He pestered for my attention.

"Ok ok ok, chill! I was just trying to answer Vik," I frowned, "Stop being a prick," I said sarcastically.

"I KNEW IT," He yelled, dramatically falling on the floor, "Vikklan is always before Prechlan to you," Preston grabbed my hand, dragging me down after him.

I landed on top of him, my head barely missing the coffee table, "Preston why," I sighed, chuckling.

"Cause I love yoooooooooouuuuuuuu," he sang, cupping my cheeks in his hands. I leaned forwards, slowly kissing his cheek. Preston giggled, pulling me closer until our noses touched.

"Love you too my little cactus," I whispered as he connected his lips to mine softly, running his fingers through my hair as I held his torso. Preston smiled through our kiss, and I couldn't help but smile too, I loved him so much.

I froze, hearing the door slam open, "HEY GAYS IT'S ME COCKBLOCK123!" A voice called from behind us. Vik dropped his suitcase on the ground next to us, Preston and I still kissing. "Hope you don't mind I let myself in,"

Preston wrapped his legs around my back as I struggled to stand up. He latched on to me, arms around my neck and his head resting in the crook of my neck. "Preston goddamn it," I groaned, holding him against me.

"YO BOI!" Vik laughed, "PRECHLAN!" He yelled, taking a quick photo of us.

"Oh shush," Preston blushed, hiding his face in my shirt. I adjusted him so that I was cradling him in my arms. "Leston better than Veston m8," Preston laughed as I sat him back down on the couch.

"I completely agree," I said as we all settled down to watch a movie marathon.   

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