BTS Texting To You While You're Sick (Part 1)

386 3 5

Hyung Line

(As your best friends)



Jin- Y/n, are you eating properly?

You- I think. I've ate a packet of chips today and I'm still full from it

Jin- I'm heading home now and cooking you food

You- You don't need to. I'm completely fine

Jin- No your not. I'm bringing the boys as well so we can look after you for a little

Jin- And we are also bringing chocolates and snacks so you can eat while some of the boys help make dinner

You- Ugh fine. Jungkook has the spare key

Jin- Why does Jungkook have the spare key

You- I don't remember just hurry up

Jin- I'm at the shops now with the kiddies

You- Kiddies??

Jin- Shhhhhhhhhh

You- Lol

Jin- Oh my lord... Why is V on Jungkook's back now?

You- I'm gonna go so you can sort that out and control the "kiddies" and your boyfriend


You- Then why did you kiss?


You- Okay. Hurry up cause I feel dizzy

Jin- Okay. Cya a few minutes


~~Rap Monster~~

You- Help me

Rap Monster- What's wrong?

You- I'm sick :'(

Rap Monster- How sick?

You- My stomach is twisting and turning and I also can't stand properly

Rap Monster- I'm heading home with J-Hope and Jimin

You- Why J-Hope and Jimin?

Rap Monster- Cause J-Hope can make you laugh and Jimin can sing to you to sleep

You- Good thinking

Rap Monster- I know. Do you have food at your house cause we are near the shops now

You- I don't have food. V kinda ate it all

Rap Monster- Really?

Rap Monster- Just saying you don't need to repay us cause I know that you want to but you don't need to cause we are all friends and yeah

You- You said 'cause' a lot in that text and repeated yourself a little as well

Rap Monster- I know. I'm gonna get food for you now. Cya in around 10 minutes

You- Okay. Cya



Suga- Y/n, why do you look so pale and so thin in your newest Instagram post

You- I've been a little sick lately

Suga- Bullshit. You look like you're gonna die and you said that last week

You- Okay then. I feel sick

Suga- I'm going to your house now and making you sleep

You- I'm fine with a few hours of sleep

Suga- How much is a few?

You- 2 and 1/2

Suga- Y/n you need more sleep. I'm also bringing food over for you

You- Meat?

Suga- Yup

Suga- And some chips

You- Thankyou

Suga- It's okay. I'll see you in 5.

You- Okay. Cya

Suga- Oh I forgot to tell you that I'm bring Rap Monster, Jin and Jungkook

You- Umm okay? Cya soon then

Suga- Cya



J-Hope- Why do you like you rose from the dead

You- I've been kinda sick lately

J-Hope- I'll be there in a few minutes cause you need some hope and some sunshine and do you want V as well?

You- Yes please. Can you also get some food as well? Suga ate all my meat and Jin needed some food so I gave him some. I'll promise I'll pay you back

J-Hope- You don't need to pay me back, I'll make V to pay me . Cya in a few minutes with V

You- Okay. Cya

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