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The kids

Percy and Annabeth Jackson: Tristan Ethan Jackson age 15 almost 16. birthday: august 18. Appearance:  hair is very dirty blond, green eyes. Height: 5'11. Power: Mostly Posiedon but has a high IQ. Amazing fighter. CHB's unofficial leader

Lilliana Sally Jackson(Lilly) age 15 Birthday December 7th. Appearance: Black hair grey eyes. Height 5'9. Power: mostly Athena but can breathe underwater and talk to sea creatures. Great fighter Athena counselor

Jason and Piper Grace: Twins age 16. birthday July 1st, Jason Grace Jr. (JJ) Appearance: Imagine a very tan, taller Jason who's eyes change, but are blue most of the time. Height 6'3. Power: Dead split, can charmspeak about as well as piper and can do all of the things Jason can but has massive fear of heights. Mostly Roman. Senior Praetor. Amazing fighter

Katlyn Millie Grace (Katie or Kate) Power: Mostly Aphrodite but can shock people and when she throws/shoots things she never misses because the airs bend it to her target. Can charmspeak better than JJ, or anyone else for that matter. Massive fear of public speaking. Mostly Greek but likes fighting. Very good fighter. Aphrodite counselor.

Frank and Hazel Zhang: Samuel Zhang(Sammy) age 15. Birthday October 31. Appearance: Very dark skin, brown hair, golden eyes, very bulky like Frank. Height 6'5. Power: Split. Can shapeshift, attract metals, and has a tiny bit of ability with the mist. Junior Praetor. Super great fighter.

Leo and Calypso Valdez: Twins, age 15 almost 16. Birthday July 24th. Stephen Harley Valdez(pronounced Stef en)(Steph for short) Appearance: Latino santa elf. All you need to know. Height 5'9. Powers: Complete Leo except can do more with fire because of calypso's magic. Decent fighter. Has mechanical dragon named Terribilis(awesome in Latin)(terry for short) Also has a magic toolbelt. Is technically the Hephaestus counselor but lives in New Rome as an "ambassador". But really, he lives there because him and Jason Jr. are Best Friends

Eliza Esperanza Valdez (Liza)(In Liza it is pronounced like Lie za) Appearance: Imagine a pretty tan calypso with strawberry blond hair. Height 5'8. Power: she is a sorceress who speaks creak squeak. She is a pretty good knife fighter. She is immune to fire. Lives at CHB as the counselor of the Hecate cabin because she does magic.

Nico and Will Di'Angelo(Di'Angelo is a cooler name so I used it) Elizabeth Naomi Di'Angelo(Ellie) age 15 birthday January 1st. Height 5'10. Appearance: Shoulder length blond hair. Blue eyes and a few freckles on her cheeks. Height: 5'10. Powers: Good at Archery, can see in the dark and can shadowtravel. She also has the power of prophecy. She is at CHB, lives in the Apollo cabin, and is the Oracle in training. She is a really good fighter

Jason and Piper had a lot of trouble getting pregnant and it took them a while to have JJ and Katie, who are the oldest of the 8 legacies. Otherwise they would have had more kids. JJ and Katie are really close but live at different camps. Jason and Piper made sure that the twins didn't feel pressure to be like or as good as their parents because Jason knew how crushing that pressure could be

Leo and Calypso had not been ready to have kids but it happened anyway. Steph and Liza are the second oldest. They can't stand each other. Half the reason Steph is an ambassador to new Rome is because he wanted to get away from Liza. Liza said some really hurtful things about how Leo might as well not be living because of how much time he spent with machines, that she didn't mean of course, but that is why he hates her so much. But they both get along with Leo and Calypso

Percy and Annabeth had their kid right when they wanted to.(Honestly, did you really think Annabeth would let it happen any other way?) Tristan is the 5th oldest and Ellie is 7th oldest. Tristan is constantly feeling an immense pressure be like his parents and to fill their shows. Lilly on the other hand, is constantly trying to do new things to be unlike their parents. But they both felt their own kind of pressure

Frank and Hazel had Sammy after Frank and Percy kept pestering hazel to have a kid. Percy wanted another kid to be friends with Ellie or Tristan. Neither of which happened. Sammy was similar to Frank in that he was a very rigid rule follower and was pretty insecure.

Ellie was born when Nico and will really wanted a kid, and when Will was praying, Apollo remembered a time when he had a kid with another dude, and he asked Aphrodite to let them have a kid. So, one day their doorbell rang and they found her in a little basket with wings that said Hermes Delivers on outside, and after George and Martha made them sign for the package, she was apart of their family. She is straight(not that I'm against gay/lesbian people or anything, I just A: wouldn't be able to write her that well and B: I have ideas for the plot that won't work if she likes girls) Her fathers have no problems with her sexuality though. In fact, she has an extremely good relationship with them. She doesn't like meeting new people like Nico, but like Will, she is extremely outgoing and fun with her friends.

JJ and Steph are the best friends you will ever meet, they couldn't be closer. When JJ went to the Wolf House and was out of contact for months, Steph cried non-stop. After Steph moved to New Rome, JJ, him, and Sammy have been really close. Katie and Liza didn't really get to know each other until they were 13 when they ran into each other during a capture the flag game, but since then they have been inseparable. Tristan, Lilly and Ellie became really close after Sally Jackson, Tristan and Lilly's Grandma and Ellie's surrogate Grandma, was almost killed by a drunk driver when they were 14. Luckily, Sally survived, but it had been a tough experience for everyone. Annabeth had to physically stop Percy from going to the prison and murdering the drunk driver.

The setting: It is June 30th, the day before The DemiGames Or as most people call them, The games. They will be hosted at Camp Jupiter this year because CHB had them last year. The Games are a friendly competition between Greeks and Romans to test many different skills of the Demigods that lasts four days. It was used to motivate them to train harder(mainly the Greeks, but some Romans too). The Games have dozens of other competitions from singing to machine making. They last 4 days

Alright, that took awhile. Hope it made sense, hope you like it. See ya,

with cookies, Jorge(pronounced horhay in case you didn't know)

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