Chapter 5

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-The next school day-

Zane's P.O.V

I walk into school and walk to my locker to grab my books just like every morning when I spot Kawaii~Chan across the hall. She looks at me and we both blush and then I carry on walking to class.

"Hey baby brother!" I hear.
"Garroth what do you want?" I snap at him.
"Calm down I just wanted to say that you forgot your lunch so I brought it for you."
"Give it to me."

I take the lunch from him and put it in my bag.

"Zane, just know that I will figure out who you like eventually." He comments.
"Okay, you keep telling yourself that."

-Bell Rings-

I hear the bell ring and I walk to my homeroom.

Kawaii~Chan's P.O.V

I'm excited and nervous for homeroom as Zane~Kun is in the the same homeroom as me. It also doesn't help that I sit right in front of him. I walk into homeroom and see him sat there and blush but put my head down and go to my seat.

"Hey Kawaii~Chan." I hear Zane say. I turn around to face him.
"Yes Zane~Kun?"
"C-can I s-speak to you at private."
I wonder why he's stuttering? I thought to myself.
"Kawaii~Chan would love to." I say smiling at him and I see him smile back under his mask and I even think I saw him blush.
"Ok, I'll meet you at the oak tree behind the school."
I turn away and fangirl in my head so that no-one looks at me weirdly. Eeeeeeeeeeeeh

Zane's P.O.V

I'm in homeroom doing some homework when I see Kawaii~Chan come in and sit in front of me, as per usual. I take a deep breath to boost my confidence and then say.

"Hey Kawaii~Chan." She then proceeds to turn around and replies.
"Yes Zane~Kun?"
"C-can I s-speak to you at private?"
Great going Zane, you stuttered practically all of that. I hope I don't end up doing that all the time like Garroth does. I thought to myself. She hesitates and then says.
"Kawaii~Chan would love too." And she smiles and me and I smile back and blush but I hope she can't see me under my mask.
"Ok, I'll meet you at the oak tree behind the school."

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