Chapter One

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I have been hiding the burns and bruises for weeks now. This morning I was concerned when I had yet to get my period for the third day in a row. I know I have to go see a doctor but I am just terrified of what Diggory do to harm me more when he finds out. Making up my mind, however, I got dressed and grabbed my bag and taking my keys out. If only I had a phone I could call ahead to make an appointment but alas no such luck Dig refuses to let me have one. He did get me a car that in no way should be called such and I only got that so I could bring him meals at work and things that aid him. So on my way to the doctors office I stopped and picked up food to bring to Dig once I was done so that I could act like that was what I used the car for today Ten minutes drive and what felt like two hours waiting I was finally seen. The nurse had me write down what was going on as I was talking to quietly for her to hear me. Telling her about everything save for the abuse adding that I have been progressively getting more clumsy to account for the burns and bruises. At this she checks my vitals, height and weight.

"Do you know what's wrong with me? Will I be okay?" I knew she heard me even though I barely heard my self.

"I may not be a doctor but I believe that you have a parasite of sorts. But as I said I'm not the doctor."

"A parasite? What do you mean? Am I going to be fine?" I started to panic and I began rambling on.

"Now now calm down. You will be fine and The doctor will explained everything when she is in with you. I am going to get her now for you. Sit tight and breath you will be all right." The nurse was trying her best to calm me as she made her exit.

Waiting for the doctor I started cleaning my nails and wondering if I would be able to convince Diggory to let me get my nails done. I could tell him that I think we could go out to dinner and my nails look to gross to be on the hands on his woman. It may even work because he always wants things to be nice and clean. Just as I was about to. Get up to start pacing there is a knock at that door which opens soon after. In walks a woman that looks like she should be my mother. She sits down and begins speaking.

"So I heard from my nurse that she, oh how did she put it,  thinks you have a parasite." She laughed only to stop when she sees my concern. "Oh dear no no. She means that she believes you to be pregnant. I agree with her but to be sure I would like to do a full blood work up just to make sure. So I you could hop up on to the exam table and lay back we can check that all is well."

"So you both think I am pregnant. What a relief. I thought I was going to die or something." I started to get nerves when she asked to lift my shirt to check my abdomen.

"Lilo, to you know you have a huge bruise on your side? It looks fresh, does it hurt?"

"No I doesn't I have been getting more and more accident prone. I didn't even notice that I did that." The exam did not take long and once finished I headed back out to the car.

"Oh goddess what do I do now. Dig is going to know I went to the doctor the moment I tell him I'm pregnant!" I started to cry scared of what might be to come.

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