Chapter Three

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I woke up in the middle of the night when I heard a knock on the door. Hoping its Lilo coming back knowing I was right. Running down stairs almost tripping about five times I whip open the door only to find Michael standing there. Glaring at him I step aside to let him in and notice that he is holding something in his hand.

    "Hey Dig can we go sit down and talk? I have something for ya." He almost looked sad but more than that he looked angry. His fist was clenched and seemed to want to punch me and yell.

    "What the hell could be so important that you needed to wake me up at this time of the night? I swear I had finally fallen asleep." I glared at him hoping it was something important. I have been sleeping only about three hours a night ever since Lilo left.

    "Well first 'this time of night' its seven in the evening. And as for why I'm here, Lilo came by today and we talked. She wanted to make sure you were doing well and when I asked why she up and left she told me that that day she found out that you two were expecting and when she told you you started to hit her. She even had photos taken of the bruises you causes. She said you told her you didn't want 'that thing' as you said. I came by to let you know that you have a year to find a new job because I do not want anything to do with you. I do not want you being part of my family's businesses you will be work with us for a year however you are going to anger management classes and you are to look for a new job. If in that time you shape up I may let you stay on. However, well you are at the shop from now on you are to watch the children of the clients as well as my own and if you say no you will be terminated effectively immediately. And as I am the only job you have ever had I will only give you bad recommendations when any job office calls to ask of you. Lilo had me bring this round for you as well. She said some of the things in there are meals she thinks you will like. I don't even know why she is still caring for you. She asked me to keep her updated on you as she does not have any family and has only really known you." With that Michael drops the file on the table and walks out to the house. I have never seen Michael so mad in all the years that I have known him. Slowly I began to see what had happened and found that I need to change something. How does one change when it is all they have known. Looking around the house finding no one to talk to and not even a sound. I turn the radio on and put it on low so that I have some noise in the background and I go to the safe. I have a gun hidden in the back and a small box of bullets. Reaching in I only find the bullets. Lilo took the gun to make me suffer and now I must I've with this pain of losing her forever.

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